Todays Lunch


Smoked Gouda and extra sharp cheddar grilled cheese with Campbell jambalaya soup.



Resident Crone
I'm hoping my store gets the 21 grain buns.
I'd like to use them on chicken or turkey burgers.
Our favorite is the Good Seed, in the yellow wrapper. I usually try to find the smaller, thin sliced loaf. That makes Judy pout a bit, but it's half the calories. The sandwich above was the small loaf.


Grill Master
Staff member
Gold Site Supporter
Our favorite is the Good Seed, in the yellow wrapper. I usually try to find the smaller, thin sliced loaf. That makes Judy pout a bit, but it's half the calories. The sandwich above was the small loaf.
Mine is Power Seed in the red wrapper. I have one slice, toasted, per day with liquid egg substitute (with black pepper and green onion garnish). I've been having it almost every morning for at least 2 years, and never get tired of it. Stays with me till about noon.
