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  1. Ginny

    What are you listening to at the moment?

    Not sure how to take that "rating," LT? Wow? Do hope it is a good wow & not a bad wow. Fond memories...and now, for something completely different (as they used to say!):
  2. Ginny

    What are you eating Sunday 6/9/2024 to Saturday 6/15/2024?

    Had to go to Costco today...and the tamales called to me! ;) Tonight, we'll have a couple of tamales along with some (freezer) refried beans and lime rice too.
  3. Ginny

    What are you eating Sunday 6/9/2024 to Saturday 6/15/2024?

    Cool! I didn't know there was fishing nearby...but, hey, fishing nearby is pretty much all of Washington?
  4. Ginny

    What are you eating Sunday 6/9/2024 to Saturday 6/15/2024?

    We had to take the RV in to service a recall. Rather than driving home, we decided to walk around Kalama's Antique stores and have lunch there too. Lunch was HUGE. Enough for lunch, then dinner tonight and probably lunch again tomorrow! I'm stuffed! The platter is probably 12-inches across...
  5. Ginny

    What are you listening to at the moment?

    Funny thing, @Sass Muffin: when I try to type "hummus" in this forum, auto correct wants to suggest "hummingbird"....ewe! The two are not interchangeable!
  6. Ginny

    And on the lighter side ........

    I carry Tacky Finger for just that purpose!!
  7. Ginny

    What are you eating Sunday 6/2/2024 to Saturday 6/8/2024?

    A little chicken piccata, but I didn't feel like taters, so RC jasmine rice and a romaine salad with a lemon dressing. DH said, you can make this again! I enjoyed it too.
  8. Ginny

    You can take the Bostonian out of New England ....

    I like those too! We can't find them here anymore. :cry:
  9. Ginny

    What are you eating Sunday 6/2/2024 to Saturday 6/8/2024?

    I put some chicken breasts (seasoned with Gyro seasoning and olive oil) in the sous vide. Served with some homemade hummus, turmeric rice cooker rice, salad with "white sauce" and chopped tomatoes. DH said it was fun! For some time, I've found only huge chicken breasts at the store, so I've...
  10. Ginny

    What are you listening to at the moment?

    Tough days....
  11. Ginny

    What are you doing today?

    Hmmm...Sass, maybe it is a Time Machine!? o_O
  12. Ginny

    What are you eating Sunday 5/26/2024 to Saturday 6/1/2024?

    I'm about to put a pork tenderloin in the sous vide. I'll finish it under the broiler or on the que, we'll see!! Pulled some previously made Twice Baked taters from the freezer...that may be it.
  13. Ginny

    What are you eating Sunday 5/26/2024 to Saturday 6/1/2024?

    We enjoyed a nice lunch out, so not terrifically hungry tonight. We'll have steamed artichokes for dinner. That will likely be it!