What is Your Weather?

Yeah!!!!! Just heard the weather. Fri, Sat, Sun, everyday is going to be in the 70's with nighttime lows in the 50's with lots of sunshine!!!! Looks like spring has finally sprung!!!!!
I hope you folks are sweating in that heat. We are at 24 with a wind chill of 8. I know it was below 0 the way it was blasting last night. Snow squalls off and on for the past 3 days and WIND that is getting to be a PITA. Lots of branches down on the roads and eating up a ton of wood. Had to run my extra heaters in the greenhouses to keep them warm enough to germinate seeds.
Down to 16 this morning and the wind is brutal. This is 5 days straight with wind above 25 mph. CRAZY! More snow moving in now and we are at 29 with a wind chill of 14. Wife is fussing that the temps in the greenhouses are not warm enough for germination. She does not like the portable heaters as they dry things out too much. I am working on putting together a drip fertilizer system with a pond pump. That will help a lot.
Sorry to hear about your bad weather MM. Today it is 85 with a light breeze and high thin clouds. It's supposed to get cooler and more clouds over the next few days with the possibility of rain net week.
We are up to 18 now and just had another inch of snow. Winter storm watch for Monday for 2-4 inches with freezing rain on top of that. Then turning even colder as another arctic blast moves in for middle of the week. I am ready to start tilling the garden but it will be a while at this rate.
Just got back from a run to the reservation. We hit snow in Hornell and it just got worse the closer we got to home. Got about 2 inches already and it is coming down fast and blowing from the east. Might get nasty by tomorrow morning.

Snowing here now at 5:45PM..Monday
28º out (great for snow) and supposed to only get 2" inches this evening with some freezing rain later on.

Darn...I want lots more, but I guess we have to take what we can get.

DD and BF are up on the farm trying to get dead squirrels out of the worm feed on the corn strage tower silo. Sheep are hungry and have to be fed. DD said it's a sticky snow and sticking to the machinery as her BF is trying to fix it.
Chit always breaks when the weather is the nastiest..... It's like the cars. They always take a crap and break in the winter. LOL
What a difference a day makes! Beautiful yesterday but today......major thunderstorms, tornado warnings EVERYWHERE. We just had hail bigger than golf balls pummel the house. DH is gonna have to check for damage when this is over. Some folks have had 4" hail :ohmy: I'll be glad when this is all over. It has been a terrible day. The guy who lives next door died of a heart attack this morning and his wife and kids are are hurting something awful. Please say a prayer for them.

I've spent most of the day with them until the family started to arrive then I came home and made them 2 big pans of Chicken Parmesan along with 2 big pans of salad and some garlic bread. I took it over right before the storms started.

DH is late getting home from work. He's stuck in traffic with a tractor trailer in this mess. I'll sure feel better when he's home safe.
What a difference a day makes! Beautiful yesterday but today......major thunderstorms, tornado warnings EVERYWHERE. We just had hail bigger than golf balls pummel the house. DH is gonna have to check for damage when this is over. Some folks have had 4" hail :ohmy: I'll be glad when this is all over. It has been a terrible day. The guy who lives next door died of a heart attack this morning and his wife and kids are are hurting something awful. Please say a prayer for them.

I've spent most of the day with them until the family started to arrive then I came home and made them 2 big pans of Chicken Parmesan along with 2 big pans of salad and some garlic bread. I took it over right before the storms started.

DH is late getting home from work. He's stuck in traffic with a tractor trailer in this mess. I'll sure feel better when he's home safe.
Our thoughts and sympathy with prayers are on the way to your neighbor.
Such a diaster. Poor Wife and Family....God Bless them, and God bless you for all your heartfelt cooking and baking to comfort them with good food.
Thank you Jimmy. I love those kids like my own. My heart hurts so badly for them. He was such a good man. Like DH, he drives a big truck too. He hadn't been feeling well. He went to the dr. last week after his daughter finally talked him into it. His BP was high, cholesterol was high and his blood sugar was high. The dr. put him on meds and told him to take life easy for a while but he insisted on going to work this morning. He was driving his big rig up the interstate when he had a heart attack and hit the median wall. The police said that it looked like he probably felt it coming and he was trying to get the truck off the road but didn't quite make it. No one else was hurt. I saw it on the news this morning but had no idea it was him.
Prayers for his family from here. These storms made a mess of traffic with one fatal crash on the interstate and one major interchange still shut down with a rig hanging partially off the bridge on a ramp. Will be plowing and checking traffic before going for blood work and a script. It ain't that important to get in an accident. Schools are all delayed or cancelled. We only got about 3-4 inches but it sure blew it around and all inside my woodshed. I hate when it comes from the south and east. Wife said I have a mini drift inside the big barn door when she fed the chickens. I wanted to move the bees from the barnyard but will wait till this mess settles down a little.
It is very astronomically aggravating!!!

People are wondering; when is enough going to be enough? For the past 9 or 10 weeks in a row, we been bombarded by this crap!!!

And spring begins tomorrow, BTW!! This is one blasted winter that everyone in the North will be so glad to see end and will be so happy to forget!!!

When the tulips and grass begin to poke through the ground, it will be a very welcome sight to see!!! Temps should start getting up into the 50s and 60s. Not quite warm, but warm enough to make everyone so happily say goodbye to one of the roughest winters that we've had on record in years!!!

May will be a sure sign of the nicely warm weather to come!!! Bring on the warm cookout weather!!!!!! :bbq3: :smile:
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Phew! H O T ! !

Made it to 78º out today. Way too warm for my liking.

I had to turn the cooling on in the back Dining Room. I've got a computer stuck in the corner back there, and I am working from that.
It's supposed to cool back to the 50's starting Thursday and for a few days.

I wish it would rain tomorrow. We need rain. Snow would be nicer, but no luck with that! LOL
Two months ago today, THIS is what the weather was like (below)!

Today, it was very sunny with highs reaching the 70's Great weather for eating lunch outside!! :eating2:


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It was 78 today with high winds. My lungs are feeling the dust and the pollen. Got a fire up in Filmore. Hope that they can get it under control soon.
LOL..... and 100º for me...is Death. :twak:

I'd LOVE to go out and bask in the sun, but when it's THAT hot, I'm sorry, I have to take a pass, stay home and sit under the a/c!!

Also, I have a heart condition and respiratory problems, so I can't be out in weather like that.

But I DO like to come out in 75 to 80 degree weather. or when it's too hot, I wait for the sun to begin setting, then I walk down the street over to a friend's house, bring some wine coolers over for her and just chill out in her back yard and enjoy sitting in the comforting evening air breeze!!!

Almost like being in an oasis!! So peaceful and quiet there!! The only thing that you'd hear is the kids playing and running about!! :mrgreen:
I'd LOVE to go out and bask in the sun, but when it's THAT hot, I'm sorry, I have to take a pass, stay home and sit under the a/c!!

Also, I have a heart condition and respiratory problems, so I can't be out in weather like that.

But I DO like to come out in 75 to 80 degree weather. or when it's too hot, I wait for the sun to begin setting, then I walk down the street over to a friend's house, bring some wine coolers over for her and just chill out in her back yard and enjoy sitting in the comforting evening air breeze!!!

Almost like being in an oasis!! So peaceful and quiet there!! The only thing that you'd hear is the kids playing and running about!! :mrgreen:
Yeah! I hear ya Shermie.

Just a couple hours ago, it was 72º and warm inside the house. I had the window fan running, and then when the power failed at 9 oclock...I was running up and down steps, and started to feel needles in my legs and arms. Poor circulation.
Breathing is ok since I stopped smoking 3 years ago, but I still huff and puff climbing stairs or moving and straining myself.

Oh Well... I guess it comes with getting older.
warm, (usually, i shiver.) & the sun is peeking through the clouds. was really windy early this morning, though it's slowed to a subtle breeze, now.
The weather here has been changing all day. One minute its super windy and the next the sun is shining bright. Right now its cloudy and a bit gloomy.