What is Your Weather?

We are at 25 and just going to be colder as the days go on. Sunday night down to 7 and then a whole lot of single digit nights and maybe even below zero. We got 2-3" of snow yesterday and it ain't going anywhere for a good while.
Lovely day this Sunday the 3rd feb.

SUPER bowl day.... DD and BF came over to shovel the big inch of snow.

Its 26º out at 12:30 noon. Sun is trying to peek out.

No cooking today... Take out.. Couch / rest / nibble / watch game / Nice.
I agree. It is a beautiful day. Clear skies with a slight breeze out of the north. Temp is 67 degrees. It's shorts and T-top weather. Snow is on the ski slopes where it belongs.
went & got warm here. is not snowing. was early this morning. i yelled @ blake fer a few hours.
i yelled at the tv, too- that anne-lady's show.
that snow goin' away again on us again. made blake buy me stuff. distraction works. fer 5 minutes.
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Sat..... 02/09/13 ...12:00 PM

Had a few inches of the snow from the storm. Like 7"..
Sun is shining now with 28º and very windy.
DD is here baking cookies. lol
Yeah, we're digging out now from a monster snowstorm that we just had between yesterday and this morning!!

One question though; Where was all this snow on Christmas?!!! Would have been nice to have had a white Christmas!!!
It's warmed up a bit from 13º last night.
It's a Sunny Sunday, and the temp is 25º at 10:15AM

Tonight is supposed to be an Ice Event (so they say )...and tomorrow AM will be a road nightmare if that happens.
In my book,"It's Not How Fast You can Go....It's How Fast You Can Stop!" LOL

Today, In this modern era, The snow removal is so much more efficient, and road treatments have been improved....its amazing how quickly a snow / ice event can be over with so quickly.

I remember (really?) growing up in North East PA, dad would load the car with cinder blocks, a pail of coal ashes, and a shovel. The car had snow grippers (tires) and a set of chains that sometimes even with a small amount of snow like 10 inches....that those chains would stay on the car for sometimes three or more days.

There were no such things as "Snow Days" at work or even school. We got around, and the car went everywhere.
If Mom wouldn't make it to work to sew in the factory, that would mean $5.00 less in the Friday Paycheck. Couldn't afford that back then, and even now to some extent. LOL
The only good thing...was we had a 5 car garage (dads plumbing business) that we could at least roll on the chains on the rear tires.

It was so funny! that one garage wall had about 10 sets of rusty old chains hanging up that dad saved to make good chains from the broken ones.

The car trunk also had like three sets.....all stuffed in a burlap bag, and when time came to pull them out to put them on, they would all be tangled up and so full of rust, that our hands would turn brown, so that only Comet Cleanser could remove that stain. Ha Ha Ha Ha H .....
there was even a bucket of kerosene in the garage, and dad would soak the old chains in it to get the rust off. LOL
What a fiasco!

then when the chain (s) would sometimes break, and get wrapped around the axel. Oh! Boy!... Dad had a old hacksaw and a cold chisel and hammer in the trunk so he could lay down in the street wherever they came wrapped around...and the old old rag carpet that was unfit to even wipe your feet on...was rolled up in the trunk too so dad could lay on while making repairs. It was so funny when I think of it now!

Usually, Dad would buy snow tires from this tire recapping place. that is a place that took old tires that were worn, and they would scar the old threads, and with a rubber moulding machine, they would adhere a brand new set of rubber onto the old tires that would make them like new again. They were cost appreciative too...like $16.00 a tire.
The only problem, was a lot of those recapped tires would come apart and there would be huge chunks of the capping that would fall off, or flap flap flap as the car rolled along. I believe that recapped tires are illegal now? At least I havn't seen any ads for their sale in this day and age. LOL

Oh! Dear! ..... The Good old Days! .. and...They Were Good Times!

Sorry! for the side track....just was enjoying going down memory lane here! LOL
Was below zero here and is already warming into the upper 20's with this bright sun. I hear you on the chains. Still have them on my pickup since the big snow back at Christmas. Won't take them off unless I would need the truck for something and the roads are bare.
Phew! ..... H O T here. 41º out, and sunny now.

3:12 PM and nice enough to grill out. Had 1 inch of snow and then the fog rolled in.
Mommy "T" was in Perth Amboy on the Garden State Parkway at 10:00 amd she said it was 47º there. She said it looked like it never snowed there. Wow!

DD gave me a haircut this AM.... I told her to give me a Spring Short Haircut. LOL

Can't wait for supper tonight of meatloaf / mashed taters / and Mushrooms fried and seasoned with pepper and salt. Ummm.

I'm sucking on some wine right now, and trying to get a voratious appetite.

I'm ready for a nappy nappy!
We got up to 38 with bright sunshine. After lunch it clouded up and the temp has dropped to 29 and snowing in waves of hard then almost nothing. Calling for an inch or so. Then turning dang cold over the weekend. Wish my load of wood would get here.
This is why I live here. 70 degrees and a clear blue sky. The breeze has picked up and the palm trees are begining to bend in the wind.
Fri. 02/15/13 .... 12 Noon EST

H O T ! .... Whew! ... 48º

Tonight supposed to have rain / snow showers and also for tomorrow! No Big Deal!

Cooling Down after saturday. If 30's is considered cooled down?

So sad that winter is coming to its end. Usually after February it is the end.
We got up to 39 today so i washed the car when I went for a haircut. Down to 22 now and dropping to 14 tonight. Then only 18 tomorrow and even colder for Sunday with overnight lows in the single digits. Just had a little snow squall while i was loading wood in the boiler. Took the chains off the truck and got it inspected so we will get another storm shortly.
We got up to 39 today so i washed the car when I went for a haircut. Down to 22 now and dropping to 14 tonight. Then only 18 tomorrow and even colder for Sunday with overnight lows in the single digits. Just had a little snow squall while i was loading wood in the boiler. Took the chains off the truck and got it inspected so we will get another storm shortly.
Nice! .... Ya better load the boiler up.

I remember as a kid in NEPA Just below Binghamton, NY.....those overnight squalls would be never ending coming off the lakes and then blow down the mountain into the Valley.

It got to the point where Dad said, Heck with the sidewalk shoveling, and just threw coal ashes on top them. What a heck of a mess that was in the spring to clean up!
Heck, we just cleaned a peep hole on the windshield and the truck / car never got washed until april. they used tons of cinders on the streets, and everyone's car was a dull Gray during the winter. LOL... \

Stay warm.... Eat well!
I wish they used more cinders instead of all the salt. If you ever follow a NY salt truck on the interstate you would know why the roads stay white even after the snow is gone. They just run it out with the conveyer and don't bother with the spinner. That is their pre treat when it is just starting to snow. Around here the locals use a ground stone mix on the dirt roads or they would turn to mush. They were just starting to get soft spots yesterday and now it is 17 and flurrying big flakes.
on the salt deal, i use that on my stairs & the cement. i hafta find that kind person that sweeps snow away fer me. i hafta recriprocate. that is thoughtful of them.
It got up to 87 degrees today with hazy clouds and a wind with gusts up to 60 MPH. However it is supposed to drop 20 degrees tomorrow and stay that way for the rest of the week. Sigh, and I'm heading for the beach again.
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It got up to 87 degrees today with hazy clouds and a wind with gusts up to 60 MPH. However it is supposed to drop 20 degrees tomorrow and stay that way for the rest of the week. Sigh, and I'm heading for the beach again.
Wow!... I'm sweating just thinking of it! hahahaha

Enjoy Leni!
on the salt deal, i use that on my stairs & the cement. i hafta find that kind person that sweeps snow away fer me. i hafta recriprocate. that is thoughtful of them.
I ran out of salt, and used kitty litter.

O...M...G.. What a mess. hahahah... Tina looks like she was in a mud hole with the nyuck nyuck pasty mess on her shoes.
I was supposed to wash it off the sidewalks and driveway with the hose, but I forgot today. Got Side Tracked... Hope the Dome Hepo has rocksalt? .... I'll have DD pick it up for me on the way here!
We had warmed up a little bit (17). Now it has dropped to 11 and the wind is unreal today. We have had about 4 of these squalls that totally obscure the horizon. Being on top you can see the weather coming before it gets here. Just looked and the wind chill is -8.


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10 tonight and 18 tomorrow and 8 tomorrow night. You just keep that snow down there Luvs. I took the chains off the truck.

we've gotten snow fer several days, now, & it's got yet to leave. the sun is shining, tho. we keep getting intermittent gusts.
blake's over in dormont. he went to the main stretch to get there, so we'll see how that went.
there is partially ice & then there'll be snow again when we glance @ my windows.