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    • Shermie
      Shermie replied to the thread Grillin.
      A ride.
    • Shermie
      Shermie replied to the thread Grillin.
      I've also had to give a friend to & from the hospital. He's had appointments & other things. :)
    • Shermie
      Shermie replied to the thread Grillin.
      Hi, QSis!! As of late, this summer, we've been caught up in a massive heat wave that has gripped most of the country. Ever since the...
    • Shermie
      Shermie reacted to Johnny West's post in the thread Steak grill… with Like Like.
    • Shermie
      Shermie reacted to Johnny West's post in the thread Steak grill… with Like Like.
      Tonight was NY Strips with a garlic kielbasa on the side. The garlic was strong…
    • Shermie
      Shermie reacted to Johnny West's post in the thread Steak grill… with Like Like.
      Last night’s t-bones came great. They were grilled over the coals with pear and plum for smoke.
    • Shermie
      Shermie replied to the thread Grillin.
      Nice burgers, johnny West!!!!! :whistling:
    • Shermie
      I also have one of THESE, a plastic version of the metal ricer. Gopt another one to replace the one that I gave to my brother because I...
      • plastic Ricer..jpg
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