The other evening while babysitting, I had a small stroke!! I had just went to use the bathroom. When I came back to sit down is when it had started. The room felt like it was spinning, I got dizzy and I started to vomit!! This had never happened before! One of the boys, the oldest one, was...
I just let a trusted friend use it this morning to go to CVS. He said that he likes it. He told me that he may get one like it!! :whistling: :whistling:
I've stopped going to the theaters because everything seems to be rehashings of the older films. Like they don't know how to make new films. It all seems to be crap!!!!! :mad: :bolt:
There IS a parking lot for the building, b8ut it only accommodates so many & it doesn't take care of the entire 250 or so residents. For example, I've been here for about 8 years, & I've been on the waiting list for most of that time. It is so ridiculous that people have come after I've been...
That was when I ordered the scooter, Doc. That, along with the price of the unit comes right off the top. They don't say that there's that much for shipping & handling cost because they add it to the cost of the unit. They should mention it during the description with the cost, but they don't...
I've been getting complaints about the backup signal, saying that it's too loud!! That's not my fault. It's not adjustable. Nothing that I can do about that. Also, Amazon charges for separate processing & handling, which is over $100 more!! :eek: :bolt:
Yes. It arrived yesterday. Assembled it yesterday. Took it for a spin today & climbed the hill with it. Easy as pie!! Went out in the neighborhood, ran a few short errands. Only thing was that it was so cold!! We are going back into a deep freeze again. So I'll just ride it in the building until...
Also, the other day, I was given a parking sticker. I can now park in the parking lot. No more having to move the car fo5r street cleanings or risking the car being ticketed & towed!!!! :whistling:
Yes. There are 3 elevators here. I'll keep it in the apt & charge it there. It takes just regular house current. When the battery is fully charged, I'll just unplug it when the battery is full. :whistling:
Hi, QSis.
Yes I do have a car, & it serves me well. It works fine, but parking in the area is so scarce!! As soon as I go just down the street, the space is gone!! And it's so hard trying to get another space!! Having a mobility scooter would let me leave the car parked while I can still ride...
Does anyone have one of these devices to help you get around easy when you need it, but don't want to use your car just to go a block or two?
My back & legs are killing me!! I can't stand or walk too long, so I broke down & ordered this this mobility scooter from Amazon. I was so tired of having...
This manual chopper seems to work best for me!! Cleanup is a snap for me as long as it is done right away. Just take it apart & rinse it under ruining hot water!! :whistling:
What method do you use to chop veggies, fruits or meat? One of the four I use, which is a knife, food processor, pull string chopper or a large chopper. I sometimes switch back &forth, depending on how I feel which method will get it done faster.