What are you eating Sunday 2/18/2024 to Saturday 2/24/2024?


Grill Master
Gold Site Supporter
Grilled Rib Eye
Bella's sauteed in Butter & Wine...
Buttered Mash
"Baby" Carrots

Ribeye 2-18-24.JPG


Grill Master
Gold Site Supporter
Strip steak with peppers and onions, mash and turkey gravy, corn.
I could only manage half the steak, so I sliced the rest thin to have for a Philly cheese steak sandwich tomorrow.
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I rarely finish of my Sunday steaks... balance ends up in a breakfast bowl the next day ...I remember when I could polish off mine and most of the Warden's...

Sass Muffin

Coffee Queen ☕🌾🌼
Gold Site Supporter
I always get small steaks and eat half. It's not that I'm full, I just get bored with it about halfway through.

I purposely bought these last three strip steaks (all in the same package) because they were thin.
Last time I bought a thick steak, it was a porterhouse, took me forever to eat it lol
I also tend to not be a plate picker.
I eat one thing at a time, mash and gravy first, then some corn, bite of steak...
I've done this all my life.
Used to drive my Mother mad. 😄


🌹 🍉 Still trying to get it right.
Site Supporter
My joints are aching. And I have dry skin (splits in the skin are bleeding) on my right thumb and index finger. I'm a righty, so it makes everything difficult. I have tried lotion and shea butter, but nothing is helping.
May just toss a corned beef in the Instant Pot and boil some unpeeled yellow potatoes for dinner. Not much prep needed.


Grill Master
Staff member
Gold Site Supporter
My joints are aching. And I have dry skin (splits in the skin are bleeding) on my right thumb and index finger. I'm a righty, so it makes everything difficult. I have tried lotion and shea butter, but nothing is helping.
May just toss a corned beef in the Instant Pot and boil some unpeeled yellow potatoes for dinner. Not much prep needed.

Sorry, Peep! How about this stuff? https://www.amazon.com/Nexcare-Skin...rQ6eK_tH-bLsvXc6vA3aAS0H1GMwz8xBoCPhkQAvD_BwE

Corned beef and potatoes sounds good to me!



Grill Master
Gold Site Supporter
My joints are aching. And I have dry skin (splits in the skin are bleeding) on my right thumb and index finger. I'm a righty, so it makes everything difficult. I have tried lotion and shea butter, but nothing is helping.
May just toss a corned beef in the Instant Pot and boil some unpeeled yellow potatoes for dinner. Not much prep needed.
... gettin' old's a bitch, Peeps... hang in there !
I used to have the problem of dry, cracked skin
on the fingers years and years ago... doc changed
two meds, and the problem went away


Well-known member
Double meat (turkey and roast beef) sub with Swiss and provolone for lunch today. Yum.

Takeout dinner tonight from BJ's Brewhouse (we will eat around 9-10) is Parmesan encrusted chicken breast with lemon butter drizzle, broccoli, and cheddar mashed potatoes.
BJs Canton Feb 20 2024 Takeout uncovered.jpg
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