What are you eating Sunday 2/18/2024 to Saturday 2/24/2024?

Grilled Rib Eye
Bella's sauteed in Butter & Wine...
Buttered Mash
"Baby" Carrots

Ribeye 2-18-24.JPG
I always get small steaks and eat half. It's not that I'm full, I just get bored with it about halfway through.

I purposely bought these last three strip steaks (all in the same package) because they were thin.
Last time I bought a thick steak, it was a porterhouse, took me forever to eat it lol
I also tend to not be a plate picker.
I eat one thing at a time, mash and gravy first, then some corn, bite of steak...
I've done this all my life.
Used to drive my Mother mad. 😄
My joints are aching. And I have dry skin (splits in the skin are bleeding) on my right thumb and index finger. I'm a righty, so it makes everything difficult. I have tried lotion and shea butter, but nothing is helping.
May just toss a corned beef in the Instant Pot and boil some unpeeled yellow potatoes for dinner. Not much prep needed.
My joints are aching. And I have dry skin (splits in the skin are bleeding) on my right thumb and index finger. I'm a righty, so it makes everything difficult. I have tried lotion and shea butter, but nothing is helping.
May just toss a corned beef in the Instant Pot and boil some unpeeled yellow potatoes for dinner. Not much prep needed.

Sorry, Peep! How about this stuff? https://www.amazon.com/Nexcare-Skin...rQ6eK_tH-bLsvXc6vA3aAS0H1GMwz8xBoCPhkQAvD_BwE

Corned beef and potatoes sounds good to me!

My joints are aching. And I have dry skin (splits in the skin are bleeding) on my right thumb and index finger. I'm a righty, so it makes everything difficult. I have tried lotion and shea butter, but nothing is helping.
May just toss a corned beef in the Instant Pot and boil some unpeeled yellow potatoes for dinner. Not much prep needed.
... gettin' old's a bitch, Peeps... hang in there !
I used to have the problem of dry, cracked skin
on the fingers years and years ago... doc changed
two meds, and the problem went away
Double meat (turkey and roast beef) sub with Swiss and provolone for lunch today. Yum.

Takeout dinner tonight from BJ's Brewhouse (we will eat around 9-10) is Parmesan encrusted chicken breast with lemon butter drizzle, broccoli, and cheddar mashed potatoes.
BJs Canton Feb 20 2024 Takeout uncovered.jpg
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