Did you write all that, LM? It's great! I have a couple of comments.
It is not clear to me what services you provide. Do you stay with the tour group throughout their trip? Do you book hotel rooms for them? Do you give a running spiel when they are on the bus?
I LOVE the paragraph that talks about the authentic experience "off the beaten path". I think that should stand out somehow, maybe use that phrase as a title in bold font before beginning the paragraph. I'd want THAT experience!
If I were to go on the tour, I would want to be assured of my physical and financial safety the whole time. Will you talk about that?
Nice job!
Thanks for the views Lee. Yes now I understand that the itineraries need to be clearer.
The tours come with all you said. I go with the group, give a running commentary, and stay with the group from start to finish. If there would be two groups (too ambitious at this stage

) then I will send another national guide, and it will be the same procedure.
I book hotels, and make everything ready including the breakfast and dinner. Lunch will be for them to buy but for that too a restaurant with a good buffet will be arranged in advance.
I will add them all to the itinerary, and also publish an article in the homepage. Thanks for pointing it out.
All those articles are my work, every single word of them

. They are from my previous blog - same website but before the guide thing. I wrote them in a hurry in order to publish something every week but now they need to be fine tuned.
I honestly hate it when people set up "authentic experiences" just for tourists. I mentioned that several times on TripAdvisor and got my profile banned after some people reported me I guess.
For example when you go to Sigiriya there's a famous village tour which is totally staged for tourists. Why can't they take the tourists to an actual village? Because they don't get commission from anyone, and don't want extra miles on the bus.
And then again a few days ago I said the same thing on TripAdvisor with my brand new account but still no war

. I'll show the link in a while.