What are you doing today?

I’m having a coffee, then will head to my son’s and get his van to take my lawn mower to gun club and so a bit of mowing before shoot a few rounds of 5 stand. Tomorrow is fishing on the Kalama again.
I save all the good wood that I could from the corn crib and burned the rest. Can’t wait for the new barn.

I pulled weeds, split wood, and cleaned the grill, all before 0900.
I’ll split more wood later and almost have all the pear split.
Isn't it as hot there as it is here? Kinda dangerous, John?

Isn't it as hot there as it is here? Kinda dangerous, John?

It’s only 59° right now and expect a high of 77°.
I won’t be splitting wood this afternoon. The hot
weather is to arrive Monday and I will be fishing
again in the morning. It will be my last fishing trip
before we go on a road trip to Ohio with lots of
stops in Between.
The plumbers were doing a check around the house and encountered a wasp in the rhododendron. The journeyman got stung - I went to the hardware store and got a can of the good stuff and spayed them last night. I just went out and checked and they are dead, dead, dead. I gave the hole to the nest an extra shot to be sure. I’ll need to do a walk around and make sure there aren't others.
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Up until like an hour ago I was arguing with our assistant director of nursing.
Our schedules have changed for the third time since the new ones came out for August.
Looks like I'm going back per diem if they want to play that game.
Shake ups in management, short staffing..I just can't take it anymore.
Maybe I'll actually SLEEP again.
Up until like an hour ago I was arguing with our assistant director of nursing.
Our schedules have changed for the third time since the new ones came out for August.
Looks like I'm going back per diem if they want to play that game.
Shake ups in management, short staffing..I just can't take it anymore.
Maybe I'll actually SLEEP again.
How many years are you from retirement? Is it worth staying? Would you be happier looking for something else? With the nationide nursing shortage, you should have your pick of places to work. ((((Hugs)))).
How many years are you from retirement? Is it worth staying? Would you be happier looking for something else? With the nationide nursing shortage, you should have your pick of places to work. ((((Hugs)))).
I had planned on retiring last March, but was given a nice offer if I stayed on.
I've already worked contract agency prior to this position.
It's convenient as it's literally right next door to where I live.
I'm afraid it's the same all over.
Nothing has been the same since covid.
Recovering today from last night.
I'm telling you it's so stressful to be a nurse right now.
In any part of a healthcare setting at the moment.
We got an admission who is coming off drug abuse.
Why they would place her in the same area as our long term residents is beyond my comprehension.
Long story short, last night was a shit show.
It's not about our LT residents being in a comfortable setting.
It's about $$$$$$.
I'm convinced management no longer care.
Today is my oldest son, John A.’s, birthday. They rented a cabin in Ashford, by Mt. Rainier. We are taking potato salad and a caprese salad. He’s grilling and his wife bought a cake.
Today is my oldest son, John A.’s, birthday. They rented a cabin in Ashford, by Mt. Rainier. We are taking potato salad and a caprese salad. He’s grilling and his wife bought a cake.
Actually his birthday is tomorrow and they planned a party for today.
Relaxing today! Lol
One more night to get through (tomorrow night shift).. then I'm free 😏
Storms this evening are going to bring a cool change in the weather.. yay!
I’m anxiously awaiting the weather change. The coho will start running the rivers.
Congrats on your job change. I don’t miss nursing but do miss the sub teaching.
I've been enjoying the lovely weather we're having.
I went on two walks today.
One down to Oakwood Park, which is just down the street from me.
Then another all the way across town beyond the bridge to Veteran's Park.
That is quite a walk. Very energizing lol
The county fair is on.
I was tempted to pay admission for concessions (FOOD) but it's like $10 just to get in for an elephant ear??!!
No way.
Made my way back home, then went grocery shopping for things I'll need this week for recipes I'll be trying.
Going to bed early tonight. We are getting up at 0330 to go to the Kalama Harbour where I will be going out on the Columbia River to try and catch a chinook salmon. I think the coho are in, as well.
We had severe weather go through the area earlier.
A brief storm that packed a punch, but my friends down south in the Delphos/Lima area saw winds of 70-80 mph.
I made dinner early just in case there was a power outage lol
Ty my son is positive for covid.
Last I spoke to him he's ok, but he's called me twice to ask me what med he should take for this or that.
Take the cold medicine and rest!
He's Mr. Big Stuff who is rarely sick.
Now he needs nurse Mommy.