What's On The Plates Mates - Sunday April 16 - Saturday 22

First time trying pork chops sous vide style. Turned out really juicy and tender. My sweetie said “maybe best ever”.
I made/experimented making some tortilla chips from low carb wraps. Extreme wellness wraps. 400*F for 11 minutes brushed with OO and seasoned with salt, garlic and chipotle seasoning.

I didn’t know you guys had eclares out that way! Always a fav at the state fair.
Just curious? Why wouldn’t they have eclairs? It’s a French classic, and New York, California, and Louisiana have more French food than anywhere else in the US. I’m surprised they still have them in the Midwest. Didn’t y’all disavow French food and French wine a few years back over some political issue or another? Remember freedom fries? LOL!!!!

Maybe this was a joke and I missed it.
Just curious? Why wouldn’t they have eclairs? It’s a French classic, and New York, California, and Louisiana have more French food than anywhere else in the US. I’m surprised they still have them in the Midwest. Didn’t y’all disavow French food and French wine a few years back over some political issue or another? Remember freedom fries? LOL!!!!

Maybe this was a joke and I missed it.
Not really sure what you speak of??? Who is y’all?
I made two beef sirloin steaks ( small ) and a micro zapped sweet tater.
Tina cannot eat steak..... so she had an egg on toast.
My steak was like eating tough horse meat! The sweet potato was dry, and
tasted like 10 day old road kill.......
Sorry you had a less than thrilling dinner, Jimmy.
You crack me up lol
Oh yeah! .... I've had horsemeat when I was a kid, ( and I don't mean the Cisco kids horse either).
Mom used to buy it from the "Hop Along" meat market when thing$ were tough after the war.
It was sweet tasting, but never complained. They were the good old day's when milk could also be sold
cheaply; being raw and not pasteurized.