What is Your Weather?

Cold! just damn cold. Blew a hose on my snowplow Sunday. Had to charge the batteries in the backhoe to move it out of the barn. Have the truck in there now and will go put a tarp over the hood and snowplow to warm it up. Will be hard enough to get 17 year old fittings apart with out it being 4 degrees. Tonight and tomorrow are going to be super nasty. Almost a rerun of the first Arctic blast.


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Cold! just damn cold. Blew a hose on my snowplow Sunday. Had to charge the batteries in the backhoe to move it out of the barn. Have the truck in there now and will go put a tarp over the hood and snowplow to warm it up. Will be hard enough to get 17 year old fittings apart with out it being 4 degrees. Tonight and tomorrow are going to be super nasty. Almost a rerun of the first Arctic blast.

Yow! .... Cold and fittings that old are Brrrrrrrr!
Too bad you don't have one of those K1 blast heaters that you can direct on your hands while you work. Next door neighbor has one, and we used it to blow under the car so we could feel our fingers changing the clutch on the little 4 banger VW.
Watching the snow come down. ( Light and only 2 inches now ) Forecast is 6 to 9
17º out and starting to get windy.
The main snow event is supposed to start after 3pm. with snowfall at an inch per hour.
I can't believe the people on TV complaining about how bad it is out there.
With No Vehicle inspections any more in NJ, other than emissions only, it's ok I guess if you have poor brakes and bald tires. LOL...
Yow! .... Cold and fittings that old are Brrrrrrrr!
Too bad you don't have one of those K1 blast heaters that you can direct on your hands while you work. Next door neighbor has one, and we used it to blow under the car so we could feel our fingers changing the clutch on the little 4 banger VW.
I have 3 of them heaters. Put the oldest shortest one up front and draped some foil faced duct wrap over the hood and plow and down to the floor on the passenger side. Had it warmed up in no time. Hardest part was holding 2 different wrenches and hitting one with a hammer to break it loose. Going to NAPA in a few minutes to get new ones made and new fluid. Damn stuff was $8 a quart the last I got some. Want to flush it good and replace both hoses. Got to put some anbesol on this tooth first!:yuk:
central PA - we were supposed to get 'flurries' in the wee hours then nothing until 4-5 pm.

woke up to 6" on the ground at o-dark-thirty, been snowing all day, sometimes fine flakes, sometimes dinner plate size - about a foot on the ground and technically it hasn't started snowing yet....

next life I'm gonna be a weatherman. you can be as wackyheadedwrong as it gets and it makes no difference.....
I have 3 of them heaters. Put the oldest shortest one up front and draped some foil faced duct wrap over the hood and plow and down to the floor on the passenger side. Had it warmed up in no time. Hardest part was holding 2 different wrenches and hitting one with a hammer to break it loose. Going to NAPA in a few minutes to get new ones made and new fluid. Damn stuff was $8 a quart the last I got some. Want to flush it good and replace both hoses. Got to put some anbesol on this tooth first!:yuk:
Oh Lord. I hope the pain subsides for you. There is nothing worse.
It's been well over a month since I had mine pulled.
The dentist wanted 1200.00 to make a new clip and add the missing tooth.
After the deductible, I would have to pay like 300.00 plus two more visits.
It's the BS visits that I can't stand.
Well I made my own tooth out of a PVC pipe fitting. I glued it in the one plastic partial I have now...a little fine tuning with the dremel grinding bit, and a little filing, and it works perfectly. It cost me nothing, and the fitting can still be used because I only used a small piece from it.
Was crispy cold this morning at - 1º out.
Hip and knee pain today, so I had the college kid clean the snow.
Only had a lousy 5" inches of snow. Too far inland to catch the coastal moisture upflow.
I guess they were right in saying 4 to 9 inches. It gives them a really large window to work with. I should be a weather forecaster; I would say "Snow tomorrow; possibly 2 to 12 inches . If it is 3, I win. If less than 2, I still win, because I said Possibly!... Over 12..then I would lose, but I would still be sort of right because it passed 12".
78 degrees with high thin clouds and blue sky. There is a light breeze. It's a perfect day for gardening.
... I should be a weather forecaster...".

When I grow up I want to be a weather person. Awesome pay, plus clothe allowance. You can tell lies all day long and nobody will ever hold you responsible. As my son likes to say the only weather they know is from yesterday.
When I grow up I want to be a weather person. Awesome pay, plus clothe allowance. You can tell lies all day long and nobody will ever hold you responsible. As my son likes to say the only weather they know is from yesterday.
Ain't that the truth! hahahahahaha..........
5º now! Snow is all cleared off the cars and driveway.
There is this great young kid that goes to the local college, and I called him to shovel me out this morning. It was not much snow (only 5 to 6 inches ), but it was so cold out! My knee was swollen, and my hip was sore, so I opted to have someone else do it.
He cleaned off the cars, shoveled the walks and the porches and driveway!
Tina is frozen (she says) and unusually, the car did not move at all today.
Now that is weird!
-3 early morning yesterday & bitterly cold by afternoon. tonite- 'tis very slippey due to snow that has iced over, & is 9. on my way to drink a few, that weather was much less chilly on my way there than later on.
-3 early morning yesterday & bitterly cold by afternoon. tonite- 'tis very slippey due to snow that has iced over, & is 9. on my way to drink a few, that weather was much less chilly on my way there than later on.
Wow!.... It's crunchy cold when walking huh? I love that crunch sound.

Now ya got me thinkin about havin a few drinks myself. Good to help me fall asleep.
Got some Crown Royal Black in the cupboard. Hmmm! SMoooooth!

It will be 0º by morning! I better stoke up the fire.
Be careful!
pretty noise, that crunch of iced-over snow- i actually put on my old wellies via 2009-ish. even those salt guys have avoided us. usually, they're on that snow near me well before ppl leave 4 thier workdaze.
tonite, getting to/from that bar, i went over others' bootprints that were already there, mostly. salt was sprinkled, too, in various places.
We keep getting about an inch at a time from the clipper squalls. Warmer now than it has been for a few days. That will end monday night when it goes back below zero. Then 3 days of single digit during the day and teens below zero at night. Glad we got a bunch more wood in the woodshed today. Picked up another ton of coal yesterday as the stove never throttles back anymore than the wood boiler does. Even the Amish are hollering about how cold this winter is.
i threw an old pair of wellies on, avoided ice as i could, have salt at my door jik, & managed to get drunk & get in safely. buy salt & boots, & quit whining! salt-guy goin' thr a 4th time, yet.
Too warm out now! ... 27º.. whew!! It's going up to 34 today supposedly.?

Gotta go chip ice clunkers in the driveway ... Especially that it's warm. Just where mommy walks to get to her car. Snow (light) tonight and I guess I will hussle a few bags of wood pellets into the garage for the next week.
They say a whopper of a storm coming later in the first week of February.
Good! Because I want more snow. Didn't satisfy us yet this year. The last one was a puppy. A good Gulf + Atlantic coastal sounds good for the next one.
Gotta do my Snow exercises to get ready for the next one. LOL... A shot in one hand, and a beer in the other.
Huh! Just saw a Robin Red Breast... ???? Kinda early for them to be around.
We are happy campers today.
Got 8 - 9 inches of nice snowman making snow.
DD and I just finished clearing the driveway and walks. Ha d so much fun.
Now we are supposed to get snow Tuesday / Wednesday. Hooray!!
It is rather warmer out. 30º...
Good to see that the left coast is getting some rain.
It is 30° down here in Lower Alabama this morning, but the forecast is for a high in the mid to upper 50’s. Should be around 68 to 70 for Sunday.
a sauna. they ought open those pools. is visually beautiful, tho. that sun is shining away.
although ice is yet being cleared.
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It's 20º and perfect temperature for the snow we are forecast to get.
Tina and I cannot wait. I am tracking it on the weather stations and the weather channel.
It is just breaching Philly, and humping upward.
Basic amount of the white stuff for our area is 12 inches.
Some area's could hit 14 to 16 inches.
I am forecasting 8 total? We shall see.
For those of you who are waiting for the warm spring weather to arrive, cheer up. it is just around the corner!!! :good:


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We are still chipping ice here. There is no place to put the snow, but we are used to that!
The snow still covered over the 2" of ice from the last nights storm. The blower machine scuffed off the top 1 inch of snow, but couldn't lift the ice.
DD is coming over tomorrow to help, just so the car can make it up the driveway!
Tinamom made it out this morning, but the afternoon snow put the kibosh on everything. Thank God we do not have to go anyplace or work.
We've had our share of that stuff. Now we can just sit back, and enjoy the snow, and work up appetites and think of cooking...and eating! LOL