What is Your Weather?

Wow! ... 33º out. I degree above freezing
The stupid back door below the deck was coated with dripping water from overhead and froze , and there I was with "Lazy Mans Shovel!" The garden hose; connected to hot water. Works great. Only thing is I had to spread on salt heavy.
So now the ice is chipped and the driveway is visible now. hahahah All ready for the 4" of new snow headed our way for Tuesday!
I actually love it!
car? you want car with that?
the alternate subtitle: Sorry, we're all out of cars to go.


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Feel for all of you folks back there but somehow I just can't reach you. :flowers: It was 75 today with some high thin clouds. We went to the veggie garden with some fellow gardeners and had a :picnic:.

The downside is that we have a really bad drought going and the fire season is going to be awful.

More on the way tonight! 3 to 6 inches maybe; early morn till 1 0r 2 PM. It will be a heck of a rush hour (s).

We're gonna have Snow Cones for supper tomorrow!... a lot of them! LOL
that is snow where i weave myself between sorta-clean pavement & take my dear time to get beyond my front stairs & to where i'm on my way to. very slowly. i heard my landlords getting that ice on my stairs cleaned, earlier.
that is snow where i weave myself between sorta-clean pavement & take my dear time to get beyond my front stairs & to where i'm on my way to. very slowly. i heard my landlords getting that ice on my stairs cleaned, earlier.
Yeah! I know what you mean. It's like the stores and the supermarket lots. There is no salt so the people have to walk and park on like 3 inches of ice.
The land owners don't giveaheck.
I don't know why they don't use sand or even cinders. Oh! The people cry.."It's so dirty and my shoes get crunchy underneath. Heck, when we were growin up in PA, we all threw coal ashes on the streets and sidewalks. No Body gave a hoot. At least no body fell.
people are so picky lately. The neighbor next door,hahahaha, was outside all day, and up on the roof shovelin the snow off. Duhhh! Really??...and it is a pitched roof too.
Everyone is in a panic state.

You should get a walking stick with a long screw on the end of it to get around.
I use one (It's my daughters) to climb up the sloped driveway when I drag up the garbage cans to the street if it's icy or slippry!hahahahahaha....

We're getting more snow tonight. I'll be up waiting for it to start. They say around 2 to 4 am.
My little indoor/outdoor thermometer read 62° this morning. One of the computer weather sites that I look at also showed a temperature of 62° but the other showed only 57° . The forecasted high for one was 69° but the other listed the high as 72° . Both showed partly sunny.
Maybe the worm has turned, and nice warm weather is on the way. Here’s hoping.
Here is +3 C and only few cm snow on the ground. All the winter has been extraordinary warm (only at the January here was few weeks cold period).
The low temperature here in Lower Alabama for the last day of February was 30° . Hopefully this will be the last freeze of this winter. I’ve talked with a lot of folks who have lived down here in Lower Alabama anywhere from 6 to 25 years and all of them say that this has been the coldest winter that they can remember.
Locals say about the same thing. Most say it may have been some winters when they were young when it was colder, but for their adult life this has been the worst.
The forecast calls for highs in the high 60’s or maybe even in the low 70’s for tomorrow and Sunday. A few days like that and we should have local strawberries available. Man are the ripe, fresh strawberries picked in the morning and eaten at lunch or that evening good! Be about 3 months for the fresh corn……
Was 2º here this morning at 5:30am.
14º now. Sunny, but no melting.
Getting ready for the "Titan" snow storm.

Today will be a good day to dump all the food out of the freezer into containers, and defrost the freezer.
I M A Y do that. (thoughts of procrastination)... hahahahahahaha
I could eliminate the thought, if I tap the wine barrel.
The weather has been wild around here. Last Saturday, the temps were in the 70's. Sunday night we had a huge ice storm. I was without power for a while. I have internet....some of the time :ermm:, very sketchy though.

The cable signal is weak too. Last night I had a choice of three dvd's:
- a family slide show that I've seen a thousand times, nix
- a Richard Simmons workout video :yum:, nix
- The Gladiator, lots of blood and gore but I watched it anyway
Today it is overcast and cool. I can hear the gardeners mowing lawns trying to catch up after the rain. I'm not sure if the Sepulveda Dam Basin is still closed to traffic due to flooding. I hope not because it is a major roadway.
We are waiting here the first spring storm at the night or the next day.

We have saying in my language as Tapio = God of the forest has to keep 7 storms before summer.
It was a warm day today!

Staying at 32 / 33ºF now.

I am sorry that this is the finish of the snow and super cold.
The snow and ice is still here, and all dirty looking. There is snow forecast in a couple days, but only 50% chance.

I will put the snow thrower to sleep, and maybe then, we will get some more snow. :laugh:

Temps are supposed to get into the 60's today :bounce:. I'm so ready to get outside and piddle around in the yard.
We got up to 41 and then the snow started flying!! Going to stay warm till Wed. and then cold and a mixed bag of rain,sleet or snow.
horrific. inhumane. snow went. i open my main door to near-summer weather. must be w/ that near-humidity that's near-suffocating us.
I'm getting a 2nd place in alaska. i've friends there.
We are at 20 now and only going to 30 today. Then 2 days of 45 and then maybe a major snow event. Still it is better than all those days with - in front of the temp. Got just warm enough to start getting sloppy on the first 1/2 inch of soil yesterday. All 3 Amish farms in the valley have frozen barn water and one has none to the house either. I loaned my neighbor who cuts my wood over 400ft. of hose to run down to the barn. He asked me when I thought it would thaw out in his barn and I told him by May!