What is Your Weather?

East Texas, weather dude says 19° tonight and 16° for Monday night. Also with chance of rain this means ice. I hate snow but hate ice the most. CF

Just a little bit cool.

To many of you this may not sound like a big deal, but if you have lived down here in Lower Alabama it is. In one word it is COLD!
The weather people tell us that the low tonight will be anywhere from 15 to 17 degrees. I have talked with several natives and they all say they can not remember when it was that COLD. This morning was 30 the high today is just a few degrees more than that. Low for tomorrow night is another night where we have a freeze. Three nights in a row is not common for this area.
Oh well, it will warm up one of these days.
6º now at 1:15 am. 3º forecast for 6am. 9º for today's high. Wind was blowing to beat the band, but it stopped now!

Sunday we should be walking around with just a shirt. 51º forecast. LOL
Global Warming?????
It's 17 down here this morning. Forecast for tonight is 24 and for tomorrow night only 32. If the low does reach 32 tomorrow it will make 4 days in a row that the temperature got to freezing or below.
It's been a long time since that has happened.
Damn cold with wind chills that are deadly. Woke up to this and got to -20 with a wind chill of -52 right about sunrise. Had to get out my military arctic gear this morning. It has warmed to -17 now with a bright sun.


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minus 3º at 6 am...now 5º at 11:45 am

Mom used to say,"This is good. Nice and cold, kills the Germs!"

Growing up in PA I remember it was like minus 5 for like a week. The water supply from the City froze outside at the curb cock.
I'll never forget dad built a wood fire right on top of the curb cap for the shutoff.
It thawed out, and thankfully no line break. Just the radiated cold through the valve access pipe down 4 feet was enough to freeze the main line at the shutoff.

We were doing a heating installation in a farm home in Canadensis PA one cold brutal winter, and it was minus 25º (not wind chill ). We Finished the job and fired up the heat, and dad went out to start the truck. It started, but the darn thing would not move. The brakes were frozen.

We boiled water and dowsed the brake drums but the water froze instantly, and made it worse.

Had to hunker down, and the people were so great to have us overnight.
I'll never forget that; because it was the first time I ever had a pulled pork BBQ sandwich.
The next day the temps moderated, and with a pull with the tractor after more hot boiling water, the brakes freed up, and we were able to hobble home.

Memories!! ( while I can remember ) hahahahahahaha
Tina said, That thermometer of yours is way way off! It's impossible to be 55º.

I said....Wishful thinking dear...remember Dewey?
She said," Now I think You're way off!" "Who the heck is Dewey!" "And don't say the brother of Screwy Louie!"

Then I showed her the ( . ) dot! .... "Oh!" She said. "Dewy Decimal!" ... It's 5.5º degrees. LOL
I can't see the dots she said! I said," Time for Mother Pearl!"
"Mother Pearl she said!".... I said yeah! "Pearl Vision!" Get yer eye's checked!
30º out now! Not bad at all!
I guess the old man COLD from Canada is taking a nap, and keeping the cold snap up there.
Had to fire up the pellet stove just to keep the chill out of the house.
Back to work tomorrow, (around the house that is ).
I would like to work on the Gas Grill that needs some repair, but I would like to drag it into the house to work on it but with only one objection. The wife!
I would wheel it onto a tarp, and there would be no making dust. Just grate repairs and a vacuum out. Needs new Lava rocks that I think the home depot may have, and if not the local Ace hardware might!

Like to get a jump on that in case I have to order a part.

We shall see. Depends on Tina's Mood that she is in.
If not, I will clean and defrost the commercial freezer downstairs.
I'm sure I will find enough freezer burnt food to give to DD to feed to her pigs.
If not...then the turkey buzzards could feast on it!
The other day, I threw out the ham bone, and there were 35 Buzzards in the back yard fighting over the pickins.
it's too warm. now i hafta begin lookin' into summer events to attend & make food 4. i'll snooze again....... 1 day. when I'm 90.
ahhhhh....( screaming )...It's way way too hot!

45º and it is disgustingly way too hot for me.

I just woke up after trying to fall asleep, and I have to open the windows to cool off.

I want 0º to come back. With snow would be better.;)
ahhhhh....( screaming )...It's way way too hot!

45º and it is disgustingly way too hot for me.

I just woke up after trying to fall asleep, and I have to open the windows to cool off.

I want 0º to come back. With snow would be better.;)

You would make a good Eskimo...
You would make a good Eskimo...
Havn't seen an igloo in ages. When I was a kid, we would always make first a snowman, and then with great wet snow, we would make an igloo.
Yes! and we cried when Frosty the snowmam melted.
Kids don't even make snowmen, or snow angels anymore. They are all lazy @$$es.

We didn't want winter and snow to stop.
One day, mom opened the freezer, and My Brother and I made like 50 snowballs, and put them in the freezer so we could have a snowball fight in the summer. It was a dream, and mom told us to get them out of there. Mom Won! She always did!! LOL
Thank God the colder weather is back. Whew! This week will be another dip in temps with some cold air from Canada.
There are so many virus bugs around and a lot of people sick.
They closed the schools today in Great Meadows area so they could sanitize the area's inside. They get a 4 day with Monday closed for MLK Jr's Birthday.

I hope they open the doors and windows to air out the rooms. Nothing like fresh air in a school, with all the snot nosed kids running around. Yuck!
We got about 3 inches overnight and still falling. This coming week is a return to below zero temps again. Boys are coming to cut and split wood today. We have gone through a bunch this winter. I will need to get more coal by next weekend as well.
We got about 3 inches overnight and still falling. This coming week is a return to below zero temps again. Boys are coming to cut and split wood today. We have gone through a bunch this winter. I will need to get more coal by next weekend as well.
M man, what are they hittin you $$$ for a ton of coal now? I figure you probably get it bin pickup yourself price which is a lot cheaper. That's what we did. We shoveled it in the truck. That was like 20 years ago.

Tina's Aunt has a coal stove ( A heatrola as they called them ) with the porcelain brown wood looking metal cover jacket. She's 93 now, and can't go up and down the cellar anymore, so Tina said I should pick it up. I'm thinking about it.
$260 a ton when it is in 50# bags. Loose is cheaper but I need to build a bin to hold 3 tons. That is a summer project.

Wow! 260 a ton. And dad would cry when he paid 14.00 a ton.
Once mom called for coal, and she got it for 10.50 a ton.
She had 6 tons of nut / pea mix delivered into the coal bin to surprise Dad when he came home from work. OH! BOY!...what a mistake.
It was stippins ( surface dug / we called strip mined or strippins).
It was dull, and loaded with slag. It burned poorly, and guess who got the job as kids separating the slag from the coal?
Yep! ... Jimmy and Richard..

Dad was not happy, and he had the delivery guy at the house to look at it.
He gave dad 2.00 off on the next deeps mined per ton.

I wish I had a nickel for every shovel full I shoveled. I would be rich. LOL
is snowy again. we got really loose, sleet/snow yesterday.
yay...ats a wayta go!
kibasa n kraut is cookin on da stove. ummmm!
I just made tater salid. The eggs Busted and the kitchen smells like whoopi farts.

We got an inch this morning, and it's clouding up now from the west. It's a perfect 31º out now, so we're praying for snow. The three kitty's are snoozing under the couch. Just took the tree and ornaments down in the parlor. Sad to do that, but what can we do..??...Nothing! ... I still want a tin foil tree like we had when we were kids.

The kitty's have a little tin foil one. hahahahahahaha
Got some flurry activity going on tonight. Just a little prelude of the SNOW (YAY!) that we are gonna get.

I am on the weather stations and maps, and we are to get the big beautiful white stuff on Tuesday starting at 1PM and going all day and night till 5AM on Wednesday.
Only 4 to 6 inches forecast, but I'll take all we can get.
Germ Killing Cold too!

GD is bringing home Milk and Bread tonight when she gets off work at the Weis Supermarket.
The roads will be a bear out there, and especially if the ice (due to the high only in the teens) freezes on the roadways.
AM travel tomorrow will be OK, and the problem will be at the rush hour coming home bound for some.
Tina was supposed to travel to her uncles on Wednesday AM, but South Jersey where he lives is getting a supposedly 6 to 8 inches with high winds off the Atlantic.
I'm ready for Spring and Summer! Predicted low tonight is 24 and it is predicted that there will be freezing temperatures for each of the next 4 mornings. We have had more days in January where there were freezing temperatures in the mornings than we do most years.
Oh, my wife just reminded me that another word for prediction was guess............. Sounds about right to me...