What is Your Weather?

71 now.
That's the coolest it's been at night for a week or more.
We had some strong storms come through this afternoon.. so this must be 'the cold front' that's only going to last for two days.
It's 77 here and the humidity is at 85%. You can cut the air with a knife. Ugh!!It will be in the high 80's, low 90's the whole week!
Oh Barb - sounds like tropical Mexico! I made the mistake of printing out a heat index chart, so that I can find out how uncomfortable I really am...I think I'm going to have to rip it up and throw it away!
gorgeous, then pouring w/in the 20 minutes we spent getting a prescription/photographing place in various poses, & 'at, then sun so bright u couldn't see, then further pouring of rain, sunshine again now. humid. pittsburgh's weather is very indecisive.
finally rain but its supposed to heat back up... cant believe a hot weather lover like me is happy for rain but it has been so humid and sticky gross we needed it
As I sit and write this, the thermometer next to me says 89F, and the humidity is 86%. No, it is not raining in my house, but the air is THICK and humid. The overhead fan is blowing on me, which makes it tolerable.
It's 75F here right now, humidity is at 66%.
It's going to drop down around the mid 60s thru the night.
Last time I took Gretchen out to wee, it didn't feel all that bad..
Guess I am used to the tropical type weather we've been having around here.
It's supposed to be this mild again tomorrow.
Come Wednesday, the 90s are going to return with overnight temps not dropping out of the 70s.
Oh joy...
I couldn't live without a/c.. no way.
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The weather man said we were going to get a break today with temps. only up to 95 but he guessed wrong. It was 103 when I checked a few hours ago.
it's beautiful now, as i'm in a tank/cutoffs combo & the a/c on & it being 4:32 in the morning, not complaining!
77F with 72% humidity at the moment. If the humidity doesn't go down (or goes up) it's going to be really nasty later when it is supposed to go up into the 90's.
The way our old-style Mexican house is built (open in places, with decorative bricks or iron for security), it is not air-tight enough to use air conditioning. The only people who seem to have AC here are gringos and very very rich Mexicans. Electricity is really expensive here, that's one reason. The other reason is that you just never acclimate to the tropical climate if you are in and out of AC all day. There are only a few nights a year that we don't sleep well because of the heat/humidity (tonight may be one of them-LOL.)

Yep, we gringos need the AC! I think I'm going back in Sept. and will use it for sure!!:wink:
84 & 'mostly cloudy'. there's a very slight breeze.
lol, this is kinda not correct, lol,- i see like 2 clouds & blinding sunshine, & blue abound
We had a nice storm blow in from the ocean around noon - heavy thunder and an hour or so of rain. Very refreshing. By late afternoon, it was back up in the 90s, though - and of course, it was even more humid.
Getting a little warm around here!


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I saw a news report from Texas last night. The crops they showed were completely devastated by the heat. So many days with temps over 100. :eek: And a drought to boot. Geez. I feel for you yall down that way. Lets hope the heat breaks soon.
Poor thing TG and Sattie as well! We'll be doin a rain dance to bring you some relief! Please take it easy!
Yup it's pretty bad right now.we are near breaking our record of triple digits.we broke 2nd record.our liberty is 40 something,i think it's 49 and we are at 33. And our lakes are anywhere from 6'-14' low it's sad dee get that rain dance going lol
We have been in triple digits here in Kansas for over a month too but I think the hottest we've been is 108. You have us beat by a mile. Today is finally cooler for us.
82F at the moment. Cooler than it has been for awhile. Says it's gonna rain for a few days but hasn't.