What is Your Weather?

Marine layer of clouds in the morning, sun in the afternoon, high's in the mid-70's to low 80's :)
This is what a tropical deluge looks like - we get about 6-8 inches of rain an HOUR during our summer storms. It rained for about three hours tonight. Very refreshing. After about 160 inches of summer rain, it stops raining in October and usually doesn't rain another drop until the following June...this is the view from our front patio, looking toward our front gate, and yes, that is our nifty Nissan crew cab pickup sitting out there in the river that our street became.


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We're finally getting some relief from the heat. It only got up into the high 80's today, which was a welcome relief from the 100's that we've had. We need rain badly. I am sooooo ready for fall. Bring on some soup weather!
We did have almost a whole week of relief Cooksie, but today it got back in the low 90s.
Looks like it's going to stay that way too until around the end of the week, then going back down into the 70s for highs.
Yes.. fall.. *sigh*
yesterday was perfect.. warm sunny dry.. today was ok but humid again... sad to see summer waning... I love fall but I HATE what comes after so I am sad to see fall rolling in.
Earl is out there churning away. I'm hoping that he fizzles and doesn't mess up any of your weekend plans.
Dang, 82 and 95! This weather is kind of unusual for us in early November. We're usually still running the a/c at Thanksgiving. Never know around here.
We are now entering 5-6 months of perfect weather: the humidity is lower, the sun shines every day, but the temp only goes into the low 80s. Low 60s at night. Just lovely, after sweating and whining all summer.
i hear ya mhend. i love cold, rainy november days.

it'll be in the low 50's today i think, and i'm looking forward to the rain getting here.

there's something comforting in just hunkering down and keeping warm while you watch the red and yellow leaves fall from the trees outside.
33 this morning. Had frost. Glad we covered the flowers. Suppose to be 64 for the high and back in the 30's tonight.