What is Your Weather?

Nice site Doc, thank you for sharing :)

LOL I just walked to my mail box....I had to guess where the curbs and ect where although it didnt make a difference the snow is deep enough, but I just kept picturing me stepping somewhere wrong and landing on my keester not able to get back up! Wouldnt be a pretty sight at my size right now! LOL

LOL- That is one thing I have on Mr. Food (of Dodger Stadium). I am up in Northern Cal. We don't have the smog, unfortunately we do have the traffic.
My daughter and I both love the snow- 3 hours to Lake Tahoe to go skiing & Boarding.

Just checked out weather Link- Its a winner. Thanks Doc!
Well, it's a good thing I went to the store this morning...it's beginning to snow here...they're predicting a trace to 1/2-inch with temperatures not going above freezing until monday! There won't be any kids going to school here tomorrow :lol: I'd take a picture but the flakes are so minute at the moment that you wouldn't be able to see them :lol:
Well, it's a good thing I went to the store this morning...it's beginning to snow here...they're predicting a trace to 1/2-inch with temperatures not going above freezing until monday! There won't be any kids going to school here tomorrow :lol: I'd take a picture but the flakes are so minute at the moment that you wouldn't be able to see them :lol:

Not to make light of it Mama, but that just cracks me up. We've got a foot of snow here already and the kids had school. :D
Unless it's really coming down or the roads are too icy or it's colder than -10 then they have school. But then again, we're used to this. :lol:
I think it's funny too Barb! The biggest thing is down here is that it happens so rarely that they just don't have the equipment to handle it. There are very few plows, very few cinder trucks and the buses have no chains and the drivers no experience so if they hit a patch of ice, they lose it. I think that it really boils down to the fact that since it happens so rarely, they just figure it's not worth risking anyone getting hurt...so, why not let the kids enjoy it.
I understand perfectly Mama.

I wholeheartedly agree on the safety factor, no sense in risking anyone's life. They only allow 5 snow days here.........what does that tell you? lol It's very seldom that they ever use more than that.
That's another funny thing here.......it's illegal to have chains on tires.
They have 2 snow days here and rarely use them...this year was an exception because they had 2 flood days in the fall that the kids are going to have to make up and now...more than likely...tomorrow for snow.
OK we are 14° with the chill factor it would be 2°. I'm guessing but we have a gotten a good 6" to 8" of snow since about 10 AM and still coming down pretty steady. Between yesterday and today probably close to a foot to a foot and and a half in two days which is pretty heavy though not a record for here.
You should be getting about the same if not more than me Dee, your are about due North of me. Cincinnati is about 45 to 60 minutes from Lexington which is where I'm at.
Here a couple of ones I took this morning, thought they looked cool :)

Your snow looks deeper Joe.


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It's 10 ABOVE this morning...... up to 24 today..... by wed, sun and 34!!!!!

Yes, it's sad that this is good news, but it is Jan in MN afterall..... :D
It's 20 here with a windchill of 6. We've got snow coming down again!!! An artic blast........so they're saying. lol
This past week has been warmer than the past couple of weeks. We got to the high 50's today. Tonight & tomorrow are going to be very rainy/stormy. We're under a flash flood watch, effective until tomorrow night.

As much as I love thunder storms, I miss the colder-than-normal temperatures we had been having...I hope we cool down again soon. :blush:
Ah, it was raining last night when I came home, and I woke up to light snow covering the sheet of ice and about 22 degrees. Weird and terible driving.
Ah, it was raining last night when I came home, and I woke up to light snow covering the sheet of ice and about 22 degrees. Weird and terible driving.

I agree Charlie I'm so sick of this thaw, rain, freeze solid crap!
Bring on the thaw, rain, THAW!
It's 33 here with the windchill at 21. It's been raining off and on and now its freezing. Snow showers should be starting. We're supposed to get 1-3 inches tonight and the same again tomorrow...........It is windy here also.
Saturday & Sunday we were in the mid-60's and sunny. Today we're still in the 60's, but it's cloudy and rainy...a mild front is passing through. :flowers:
Oh I forgot, last Tuesday it snowed all day long...only about an inch accumulated on the ground. Wednesday it was in the 60's and sunny...Texas weather is psycho! :tongue: