What are you eating Sunday, March 19, to Saturday, March 25, 2023?

Smoking a pork loin

My Sweetie said she wanted pulled pork from this big tenderloin. So… I rolled smoke until it was up past 145*F and wrapped it at 155ish. I put it in the oven until it reached 195 and shut it down. It went up to 207… but it worked! Loin doesn’t pull like Boston butt, but it does shred.

My Iran friend who I drive for occasionally
Drive for. Brought me over his version
Of Iranian St. Patrick's Day meal.
The Corn Beef & Potatoes were good, I had to call him to find out what the green stuff was. ( Mushrooms in Gravy). He made the bread too.
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Cook's Country pickled shrimp, though I made a couple of changes. Instead of fennel seed and dill, I used some thin slices of fennel bulb and fronds since I had them, and I dropped the fennel and red onion slices in the hot vinegar mixture. We both really liked the shrimp. A new recipe for deviled eggs that needs a small tweak, but we both really liked as well. Green olives obviously. Alouette garlic and herb cheese spread with crackers. It was pretty good too.