What are you doing today?

The museum was very good but needed more time. The docent steered us to a good restaurant and weren’t disappointed. I had the chowder and halibut and chips. We stopped at Goose Point and got my Christmas oysters, a half gallon.
Today is our wedding anniversary. We had plans to go out to dinner tonight but cancelled. Nancy went to gym to walk treadmill then will go to hospital. I’ll make oyster stew for dinner which I’d do the 24th but are invited to Peter’s for Christmas Eve. I’ve not done any shopping and have to get out tomorrow row to buy a gift certificate for granddaughter. I’m lying low today.

Our DIL is in icu and not doing well. The cancer spread fast. Today they meet with oncology doctor and palliative care folks. John wants to take her home but she is not strong enough to get to bathroom, etc. I just don’t see it.
Today is our wedding anniversary. We had plans to go out to dinner tonight but cancelled. Nancy went to gym to walk treadmill then will go to hospital. I’ll make oyster stew for dinner which I’d do the 24th but are invited to Peter’s for Christmas Eve. I’ve not done any shopping and have to get out tomorrow row to buy a gift certificate for granddaughter. I’m lying low today.

Our DIL is in icu and not doing well. The cancer spread fast. Today they meet with oncology doctor and palliative care folks. John wants to take her home but she is not strong enough to get to bathroom, etc. I just don’t see it.

Such a terrible thing for your family to be going through, John - I'm so sorry! Sending you strength and peaceful energies.

How many years have you and Nancy been married?

Today is our wedding anniversary. We had plans to go out to dinner tonight but cancelled. Nancy went to gym to walk treadmill then will go to hospital. I’ll make oyster stew for dinner which I’d do the 24th but are invited to Peter’s for Christmas Eve. I’ve not done any shopping and have to get out tomorrow row to buy a gift certificate for granddaughter. I’m lying low today.

Our DIL is in icu and not doing well. The cancer spread fast. Today they meet with oncology doctor and palliative care folks. John wants to take her home but she is not strong enough to get to bathroom, etc. I just don’t see it.
Hugs, John.
I'll be delivering gift cards to everyone (family) later, I'll get to spend a bit of time with them all before they all head out of town for the holiday.
This Christmas sure is a different one, to say the least.
For you more than me.
I'm so sorry you have to deal with an impending loss. Like I told you yesterday, it's terrible when things like this happen during the holiday.
I can deal with not being with the grandkids as I'd like to be.
Allison (their "Mother") is the drama Queen, Ty is busy ALL the time... on call for towing and Felicia is off from her management position at Ollie's awaiting foot surgery. They are struggling at the moment and I'm helping them the best I can.
They had planned to go to the Carolinas, but can't now, Allison refuses to allow the girls to be with Ty and Felicia until after Christmas, Jeff is leaving for PA tomorrow to be with Kasey.
The End
Jules just informed me that she put in her notice where we work.
I'm both sad and shocked, but at the same time happy for her.
I saw it coming, quite honestly.
She's on days, I'm on nights (when I'm there).
She's decided to go to another facility in a nearby town and be a nurse at their assisted living facility.
It's not easy being there when management are running around 😕 I sure know that.
So as of March 1 she is gone.
Jules just informed me that she put in her notice where we work.
I'm both sad and shocked, but at the same time happy for her.
I saw it coming, quite honestly.
She's on days, I'm on nights (when I'm there).
She's decided to go to another facility in a nearby town and be a nurse at their assisted living facility.
It's not easy being there when management are running around 😕 I sure know that.
So as of March 1 she is gone.

Lora, is your place of work an assisted living facility or a long-term care facility?

Lora, is your place of work an assisted living facility or a long-term care facility?

Long term, with a behavioral unit and a rehab wing.
They've talked about in our last staff meeting that they plan to turn the front unit into a unit with patients on vents and IV.
We do not currently have enough RN employees to even be there for that type of care.
This is why many are leaving, because we know there aren't enough in house employees to cover that type of care.
So we have agency nurses coming who do not know these people well.
This has been going on since the pandemic.
No facility has regular staff who stay very long.
It's all due to stress and inconsistency.
Today I received a message from Facebook that my ad account was suspended as I have an outstanding bill. Having seen so many thousands of phishing emails I checked on the ads account and there it was. I wasn't still convinced, and opened a support chat. The guy was asking me to share my screen so he can guide me. I said you have all you need. Just tell me why the bill. That's all I want. He was persistent that I share the screen. I asked him why he needed to see my screen. He was saying that he wants to guide me. I got really worked up there. I told him "if you cannot tell me what the bill is about, what can you guide me with? Are you even a real support staff?" He said he needed to see the invoice. I said it was sent from your end. See it from your end. What do you have to see on my screen about something that you have done through your database from your end?
At the end the guy had to give up. He started talking sense. He said it was a bill for November, and my card had no funds. I said that he could've saved a lot of time, and his dignity, if he had just told me that in the first place.
Results of training workers to use procedures rather than their brains. lol.
Indike, I haven't seen an updates on your travel/tourism page since November 2023.
Yeah I must post something there. I really want to post stuff there, but my phone camera is not that great. Photos are not very attractive with pale colours. lol. But I must start adding stuff there, just to keep it going :)
p.s. posted a photo now. Will continue with what I have.
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I also found something else. iPhone photos don't change filesize very much when you "save for web" in Adobe programmes or anything else. I think the reason is that they have optimized the colours to what Adobe does, so no changes take place. Luckily my phone's photos shrink to 5% if needed 🤣. Imagine the quality. 🤣
I went to church today for the first time in more than a month. John will be going home tonight as he has things to do at home plus has a big three day meeting in Seattle. Tuesday we will head to Utah to babysit Maddie. She has no school for almost two weeks due to the Sundance Movie Festival and her school gym is used a a movie venue. They make big bucks for the school renting it out. It will be a big money maker for The Big Dipper, as well.
I went to church today for the first time in more than a month. John will be going home tonight as he has things to do at home plus has a big three day meeting in Seattle. Tuesday we will head to Utah to babysit Maddie. She has no school for almost two weeks due to the Sundance Movie Festival and her school gym is used a a movie venue. They make big bucks for the school renting it out. It will be a big money maker for The Big Dipper, as well.

You are a busy guy, John!

I did manage to make it in to the meeting today at work concerning the new dementia unit.
Looks like I'll be there Friday night.
I'm prepared!
Follow up meeting on Wednesday (tomorrow) also, it's "all staff" so no idea what that's going to be about 🤔
We got about 2 more inches of snow today grrr
Can't think of anything else as an update at the moment.
Oh yeah, I may watch The Great Gatsby tonight.
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