What are you doing today?


Well-known member
I have some news too. Last evening I went for a scan(US). He said it's a small stone in the tube from kidney to bladder. Left kidney is swollen a bit due to it, and nothing to worry about. He said the stone will pass naturally and no need drugs or surgery. But he said if I prefer I should consult a specialist and get some medicine to ease the passing.
Today is the Vesak Poya Day. It's the holiest day in Buddhism, considered to be the day of the Buddha's birth, attainment or nirvana, and death. Every house is lit with colourful lanterns, huge pandols erected at some places, and free food huts everywhere. You can find rice and curry, fried rice, noodles, chickpeas, ice cream, coffee, tea, and many other snacks given free at stalls by the roads. Some of the rice huts have long waiting lines of people because eating rice takes time but everyone enjoys that part too.
I might go out later, I have a friend's bike he left with me last month. Will be a great way to see the roads.
The only fly in the whole ointment is the rain. It has been raining the last two weeks as the south west monsoon has arrived early. But it looks like today is very light.


Grill Master
Staff member
Gold Site Supporter
I have some news too. Last evening I went for a scan(US). He said it's a small stone in the tube from kidney to bladder. Left kidney is swollen a bit due to it, and nothing to worry about. He said the stone will pass naturally and no need drugs or surgery. But he said if I prefer I should consult a specialist and get some medicine to ease the passing.
Today is the Vesak Poya Day. It's the holiest day in Buddhism, considered to be the day of the Buddha's birth, attainment or nirvana, and death. Every house is lit with colourful lanterns, huge pandols erected at some places, and free food huts everywhere. You can find rice and curry, fried rice, noodles, chickpeas, ice cream, coffee, tea, and many other snacks given free at stalls by the roads. Some of the rice huts have long waiting lines of people because eating rice takes time but everyone enjoys that part too.
I might go out later, I have a friend's bike he left with me last month. Will be a great way to see the roads.
The only fly in the whole ointment is the rain. It has been raining the last two weeks as the south west monsoon has arrived early. But it looks like today is very light.

Feel better, Indike, and enjoy your holiday the best you can!


Johnny West

Well-known member
We are home from my brother’s burial and trip to Chicago to get things he left family. Today I’m doing laundry, cleaned kitchen windows and put back plants. We will require several trips to Utah to bring back boxes we packed.

I’ll drain hot tub and refill and want to go to Sportco and buy fishing rods and reels for granddaughters, as well, but may not get to that today.

Sass Muffin

Coffee Queen ☕🩺
Gold Site Supporter
I had to go to the hospital today for labs (the annual thing).
Everything is good except that my potassium is lower than it should be (again!), my uric acid is slightly elevated (gotta watch that with gout).
I've only gained 2 pounds and some change so I'm just under 170 lbs now. I won't complain about that, BUT I AM going to start to eat healthier again.

To the purpose of my post, because I tend to go on and into other areas 😅...

I saw for the first time a Tesla Cyber truck.
I had to take pictures.
Thank goodness the owner didn't see me, I would have been embarrassed 😂



Well-known member
Internet price has gone up. It's funny what happened. And sad too.
Airtel, an Indian company started giving very cheap internet. Dialog, the leader in Sri Lankan market started blocking Airtel calls from their network to discourage the users (When you make a call from Airtel to a Dialog number it wouldn't connect). Airtel came to an agreement with Dialog and sold the company - to Dialog itself. Dialog increased the prices. lol. They both won, the customers lost.
I bought a Hutch sim for night time downloads, which I am trying to do now, but the speed is not even 500Kbps.
Here's a screenshot of one miraculous moment the speed went up to 600+Kbps. :D



Well-known member
Bought a hosting package for my new website. Paid only for 3 months.
3 reasons:
1. It's a new hosting service I've never used before, so if it's not good I only lose 3.75USD, not the total 15 for the year.
2. It's a new control panel I've never used before. So I can change to a familiar control panel if not right for me.
3. I don't have 15 dollars :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::D:D:LOL:
Waiting to get the login details. Then I'll be building it. Sorting out photos and itinerary ideas for it now. I must also write the T&C, About, and other regular articles. Anyone wants to give a hand? lol. I won't bother about a logo at this point. Maybe later. I have already compiled a list of categories to add, and more will come up with time.
Hoping they would sort out my account and set up the control panel soon. :D

Johnny West

Well-known member
I just finished second cup of coffee and a bowl of oatmeal with the granddaughter. Later we are going to NW Trek wildlife zoo and get her lunch there. I’ll grill burgers and hot dogs tonight.

Sass Muffin

Coffee Queen ☕🩺
Gold Site Supporter
Amusing myself on a Facebook community group over two young girls bringing their horses in the store (Walmart) with them.
The horses were well behaved, although they did 💩, which is what horses do.
Lots of people are all freaked out over it.
Well, they somehow walked in and got all the way into the back of the store to electronics.
Security nor management seemed to care, so ...
🐎 😄
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