What are you doing today?

Had a very early morning breakfast today with Jeff and Kasey at Bob Evans in Defiance.
This was before they sat off for PA.
They got there safely with the birds in tow.
She's staying with her friends in State College.
They got snow!
Jeff is overnighting in Pittsburgh as he has friends there. Told him not to do a round trip!
Since Kasey will be there until after Christmas I gave her her gift.
Lots of $$$$.
Told her not to blow it hanging out in coffee shops.
I must make a handwritten leaflet as an exercise in the guide course. It's about a Sri Lankan game board from the 18th century.
Using a loophole in the question. It says that the leaflet should be "handwritten." Not hand drawn. So I got the images printed, and only the text will be added by hand. 😅

I think this photo is better. Mount Lavinia beach and the hotel.
Does the train stop at the hotel? That would be convenient.
Yeah the station is very close to the hotel. I took the photo from the overhead bridge of the station.
The hotel has been built on Thomas Maitland's bungalow built in 1806. He was a British governor. Later in 1870s it was converted to a hotel.
Wow Peeps, that sucks.

I stayed up until 3am hoping I can have a long nap today before I go into work tonight.
I'm prepared because I know I'll probably get stuck there well into Christmas Day.
Lots of our agency nursing staff come from Michigan, and will either call off or be late.
This morning I’m making chili to take in to church for tomorrows soup kitchen. I can’t make it tomorrow due to Nancy scheduling a doctor appointment the same time I have to have it there. Later I’m making the rib roast with baked potato and Delicata squash on the side. It’s pouring rain so can’t do it on the grill.
Relaxing after a busy day.
Finally got to see the wee bugs with their Christmas gifts.
This holiday season has been just plain weird lol
I'm doing a 12 on New Year's Eve 6p-6a.
Double time plus a bonus.
Ouch and thank you 🙄🤣
I remember those holidays in D.C. I’d get double time, double shifts for a four day weekend As an agency nurse. I was making about $3000 a week. Those were the days.
Super busy day!
Cleaned my apartment, grocery trip (mega) new things planned for dinners, my son Jeff thought he had covid, not so thank God.
Influenza A, but he's still feeling very sick.
I was told there is a possibility that I will not have to work 12 hours tomorrow night, but I'm not counting on that happening.
Never fails with holidays, someone always calls off.
What are mock answers, Last? And why are you taking a history exam?

Used it to mean model answers. Lol
Tomorrow I have the history paper of the 'national tourist guide lecturer license' course. It's Sri Lankan history. From 6th century BC to 19th century AD.
Used it to mean model answers. Lol
Tomorrow I have the history paper of the 'national tourist guide lecturer license' course. It's Sri Lankan history. From 6th century BC to 19th century AD.

Wow, they sure take the education of their tour guide lecturers seriously! Best of luck!

Wow, they sure take the education of their tour guide lecturers seriously! Best of luck!

While the idea is there, the guy who's handling other skills has no skills himself. He just tries to shout at people and shut them up. There were multiple complaints and luckily he has been kicked out from the next batch. History is alright, although there are many unnecessary topics too.
Hmm just got a text from Jeff as he's watching the Bills and Bengals play said one of the players possibly died live on tv during the game??