Went back to work Tuesday night.
That was supposed to be a 6p-10p med pass only.
Well I got stuck there for 12 hours because the agency nurse who was supposed to be my relief didn't show.
So I did the 12 and came home feeling like shit Wednesday morning, called the unit manager for nights and said now wait a minute.. YOU had covid, 3 others had covid, what happened here??
Did you all just bounce right back, because i sure did not.
How did you just leave me there to try to basically crawl through 12 hours from 4?
She told me I'd had enough time off then had the audacity to ask me to work again last night.
I'm not going back to work until Sunday night.
I might put up my Christmas tree tomorrow and carry on with my happy life.
I'm about done.
Seriously done.
Can't say as I blame you one bit!