Did you know?

Johnny West

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What is less known about the Salem witch trials was that it was the single event that caused the framers of the constitution (Jefferson, Franklin, Hancock, most of the assembly) to demand separation of church and state. They took the separation of church and state so seriously they wouldn’t even allow pastors or church leadership to run for public office in the congress or senate.


Grill Master
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On June 6, 1933, the first ever drive-in movie theater opened on Crescent Boulevard in Camden, New Jersey. Park-In Theaters was owned and operated by Richard Hollingshead. Hollingshead is said to have been inspired by his mother's struggle to sit comfortably in a traditional movie theater to innovate a more comfortable way to enjoy a movie.
When Hollingshead started his business, he made an initial investment of $30,000 and would charge customers 25 cents per person and 25 cents per car.
In 1949, Hollingshead's patent was overturned, and drive-in theaters began opening up all around the country. Most of the movies played at drive-ins would have been what we know as "B" grade movies. However, some drive-ins did play some of Hollywood's top films.
The popularity of drive-ins peaked in the late 1950's to mid-1960's, with around 5,000 theaters throughout the country. Today, there are roughly 600 drive-ins still in operation in the U.S.


Grill Master
Gold Site Supporter
This iconic photograph is still considered one of the most-terrifying space photographs to date. Astronaut Bruce McCandless II became the first human being to do a spacewalk without a safety tether linked to a spacecraft. In 1984, he floated completely untethered in space with nothing but his Manned Maneuvering Unit keeping him alive.



Grill Master
Gold Site Supporter
The Albatross is a very large bird that can go years without landing. They spend their first 6 years of life flying over the ocean before coming to the land to mate. It is capable of traveling more than 10,000 miles in a single journey and circumnavigating the globe in 46 days.



Grill Master
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The Albatross is a very large bird that can go years without landing. They spend their first 6 years of life flying over the ocean before coming to the land to mate. It is capable of traveling more than 10,000 miles in a single journey and circumnavigating the globe in 46 days.

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Okay, LT, now I have to research albatrosses. I'm guessing that they dive and eat fish. They must float on the ocean to sleep. Interested in seeing how close I am.

I wonder what that man is doing to the poor bird.



Grill Master
Gold Site Supporter
Okay, LT, now I have to research albatrosses. I'm guessing that they dive and eat fish. They must float on the ocean to sleep. Interested in seeing how close I am.

I wonder what that man is doing to the poor bird.

Who knows... my guess is he's, hopefully, re-releasing an injured, no healed, bird... but again, maybe he's catching it for chow.......


Grill Master
Staff member
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Okay, LT, now I have to research albatrosses. I'm guessing that they dive and eat fish. They must float on the ocean to sleep. Interested in seeing how close I am.

I wonder what that man is doing to the poor bird.


They don't usually dive, they settle on the surface of the ocean and pluck live or dead marine animals. They float on the ocean to sleep, they drink salt water and they can live up to 50 years! Fascinating birds!



Grill Master
Gold Site Supporter
Many breath mints contain xylitol, an artificial sweetener that is extremely toxic to dogs. It's also poisonous to cats. If Fido eats a single Tic-Tac, he will probably be okay, but if he eats an entire box, he could become violently ill or even die. Xylitol also pops up in other foods. For example, peanut butter is usually considered safe for dogs, but some brands contain xylitol. It's always a good idea to read the list of ingredients before giving your pet any type of "human food."


Grill Master
Gold Site Supporter
Wicca is NOT an ancient Religion ...
Gerald Gardner introduced Wicca to the world in 1954. He outlined its core principles with a high priestess named Doreen Valiente. It is a duotheistic religion, worshipping a God and a Goddess. Celebrations revolve around the cycles of the moon and the cycles of the sun. Festivals follow an annual cycle and can be found on the "Wheel of the Year." There are eight festivals throughout the year, including Yule which is celebrated from December 20th to the 23rd in the Northern hemisphere. This particular is also called Midwinter or Winter Solstice and is a significant celebration that symbolizes 'rebirth of the solar God.' The other seven annual festivals are called Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane, Litha, Lughnasadh, Mabon and Samhain.

Johnny West

Well-known member

Did you know?​

The December full moon is known as the Cold Moon.

December's name comes from the Latin word decem, meaning ‘ten’. This month was originally the tenth month of the early Roman calendar.

All over the world there are many who observe traditions at Christmas that are deeply rooted in ancient beliefs but also based on superstition. In Poland it is believed that any child born during the 12 days of Christmas has a greater chance of being a werewolf, and some Greeks burn their old shoes at Christmas time, hoping that the pungent smell will drive the Christmas goblins away from their home.