Did you know?

Johnny West

Well-known member

Did you know?​

The August full moon is known as the Sturgeon Moon.

August was named to honour the first Roman emperor (and grandnephew of Julius Caesar), Augustus Caesar.

Lammas Day falls on 1 August and its name comes from the Anglo- Saxon word hlafmaesse, which means ‘loaf mass’. The festival of Lammas marks the beginning of harvest. Farmers used to make loaves of bread from the new wheat crop and give them to their local church to be used as the Communion bread during a special mass that day.

Johnny West

Well-known member

Did you know?​

The May full moon is known as the Flower Moon.

May is named after the Roman goddess Maia, who oversaw the growth of plants.

First thing in the morning on 1 May, young girls used to rush out into their gardens to wash their faces in the May dew. This act came about from an old tale that says May dew has magical properties and anyone who washed their face in it will have a beautiful complexion all through the year.


Low Carb Home Cook
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Did you know?​

The August full moon is known as the Sturgeon Moon.

August was named to honour the first Roman emperor (and grandnephew of Julius Caesar), Augustus Caesar.

Lammas Day falls on 1 August and its name comes from the Anglo- Saxon word hlafmaesse, which means ‘loaf mass’. The festival of Lammas marks the beginning of harvest. Farmers used to make loaves of bread from the new wheat crop and give them to their local church to be used as the Communion bread during a special mass that day.
My birthday is in August! Bread and fish, 2 of my favorite foods ☺️

Johnny West

Well-known member

Did you know?​

The June full moon is known as the Strawberry Moon.

June was most likely named after the Roman goddess Juno, but another interpretation says that the name came from the Latin juvenis, or 'young people', who were celebrated at this time.

Roses are of special importance at this timeof the year. It is said that any rose picked onMidsummer’s Eve or Midsummer’s Day willkeep fresh until Christmas.


Grill Master
Gold Site Supporter

Johnny West

Well-known member
“Mr. Eggo guarantees" Eggo Waffles. In 1953, the Dorsa brothers introduced the toaster-ready frozen waffles to supermarkets throughout the US. Frank Dorsa had been making a waffle mix for restaurants since the 1930s, and figured out how to bake and freeze waffles for retail sale.
The Eggo Fine Foods company's first product was mayonnaise. They also produced potato chips, as can be seen in the photo.



Grill Master
Gold Site Supporter
In 1974, “Pistol Pete” Maravich was playing in his fourth NBA year when he said in an interview,

“"I don't want to play 10 years and then die of a heart attack at the age of 40."

… but that’s exactly what he ended up doing, on January 5, 1988.

Johnny West

Well-known member
I saw this on Facebook.

Did you know?
Back in the early days of his career, Sylvester Stallone was so broke he ended up homeless and unable to buy food. At his lowest point, he realized he had no option but to sell his beloved dog and best friend, Butkus, whom he simply couldn't afford to feed.
After selling Butkus to a stranger for $25, he walked away crying.
Just two weeks later, Stallone saw a boxing match between Mohammed Ali and Chuck Wepner. It inspired him so much, he wrote the script for Rocky. As he started approaching movie studios, he had one request: he would star in the movie. With offers for as much as $350,000, Stallone still refused until they agreed for him to play the lead.
But the compromise came at a cost, with Stallone instead receiving just $35,000 for his script.
The first thing the actor did when he received the money was return to the liquor store where he had last seen Butkus. After standing there for three days, he saw the man who had purchased his dog approaching and begged to buy his dog back.
It would cost him $15,000, but it was worth every cent to Stallone. Butkus would appear in the film with his owner.
Rocky went on to be the highest grossing film of 1976 and won three Oscars. It also propelled Stallone to fame.



Grill Master
Staff member
Gold Site Supporter
I saw this on Facebook.

Did you know?
Back in the early days of his career, Sylvester Stallone was so broke he ended up homeless and unable to buy food. At his lowest point, he realized he had no option but to sell his beloved dog and best friend, Butkus, whom he simply couldn't afford to feed.
After selling Butkus to a stranger for $25, he walked away crying.
Just two weeks later, Stallone saw a boxing match between Mohammed Ali and Chuck Wepner. It inspired him so much, he wrote the script for Rocky. As he started approaching movie studios, he had one request: he would star in the movie. With offers for as much as $350,000, Stallone still refused until they agreed for him to play the lead.
But the compromise came at a cost, with Stallone instead receiving just $35,000 for his script.
The first thing the actor did when he received the money was return to the liquor store where he had last seen Butkus. After standing there for three days, he saw the man who had purchased his dog approaching and begged to buy his dog back.
It would cost him $15,000, but it was worth every cent to Stallone. Butkus would appear in the film with his owner.
Rocky went on to be the highest grossing film of 1976 and won three Oscars. It also propelled Stallone to fame.

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Excellent story!


Sass Muffin

Coffee Queen ☕🌾🌼
Gold Site Supporter
You'd think dentists would want their patients to stay away from something so sugary. Well, when one dentist created something called "fairy floss" in 1897, it inspired another to create something similar, which was named cotton candy in 1921.