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Johnny West

Well-known member

Johnny West

Well-known member
I’m skeptical but would try it wit a few dozen as an experiment.

No. These are not pickled eggs. These are homegrown, unwashed eggs stored in lime water. The lime water fills in all the pores of the egg and encases them in a shell of "glass". Water glassed eggs can last stored at room temperature like this for up to 2 years. This method of preserving raw eggs has been used since the 1800s and was common even into the 1940s and 50s. When refrigerators became a standard kitchen appliance, water glassing almost became a lost art.
You cannot use commercial eggs for this because they have all had the protective coating (bloom) washed off the shell and will quickly go bad. I recently scrambled up 18 eggs that had been stored in lime water for 7 months on an unrefrigerated cupboard shelf and they tasted perfectly fresh (although the yoke seemed a bit thinner than fresh eggs).
Anyhow, if you have an abundance of fresh, unwashed eggs, you might want to try putting some away for later. The ratio is one ounce (by weight) of lime (calcium hydroxide) to one quart of water. Calcium hydroxide is a completely natural, organic ingredient and harmless, although the powder is very fine and may irritate your lungs if you breathe it in. The lime water also quickly dried out the skin on my hands and I had to apply lotion to get them back to normal. When you do use the eggs, be sure to rinse them thoroughly before you crack them or they will taste like lime.
FYI: a gallon size container will store about 40 eggs. Lime is also known as calcium hydroxide. You can buy it in 50 pound bags in the masonry section of the hardware store, or in 1 pound bags in the canning section of the grocery store....often labeled as "pickling lime”. Thank you Jess Jassop NOTE: This is not my post, was worth sharing.



Grill Master
Gold Site Supporter
In WW II , 11.4 % of all Amercans served In the US military.

In the Vietnam conflict, 4.3 % served.

Over the last twenty years, less than 1 % have served…


Grill Master
Gold Site Supporter


Grill Master
Gold Site Supporter
Four MLB Pitchers, and four Pitchers only, have made it to the Majors after attending Fullerton
Union high School in Fullerton California, and now all four have pitched a No-Hitter !
Walter Johnson, Steve Busby, Mike Warren, and Michael Lorenzen.


Grill Master
Gold Site Supporter
General Lee kept a pet hen named Nellie, he took it everywhere on campaign and it stayed in his tent and laid him an egg every day. He never forgot to leave the tent flap open for her and saw to it that the hen traveled with the army, even on so fateful a campaign as the invasion which ended at Gettysburg.
When he began to retreat from that field, and the hen was nowhere to be found, the commanding general joined the search for his pet, and was not content until she was discovered and safely perched in his headquarters wagon. Only then could the retreat from Gettysburg continue.


Staff member
Gold Site Supporter
The logistics of trying to prevent such an unexpectedly large event from falling apart cost the promoters even more. Woodstock "transformed Bethel into the third-largest city in New York State," says the Observer, and "the organizers didn't foresee having to kick-in extra tens of thousands of dollars for helicopters to transport food, supplies and the musical acts to and from the site."

It is estimated that the promoters eventually sank $3.1 million into Woodstock ($15 million today). However, they were in luck. The following year, 1970, saw the release of the Woodstock documentary movie, according to the BBC. It was a huge hit, raking in $50 million in the U.S. alone.

Read More: https://www.grunge.com/299488/this-is-why-woodstock-didnt-actually-turn-a-profit/


Grill Master
Gold Site Supporter
Only one U.S. President has been awarded the Medal of Honor in history. It was President Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President of the United States of America. He was awarded the highest military decoration for his gallantry in charging up San Juan Hill during the Spanish American War. It was long after his death. He posthumously was awarded the Medal of Honor on January 16, 2001.