What is Your Weather?

Not too bad today... (80 out ) but still have the cooling running.

Easier for keeping out the pollen. And the stinky poopies.
I got sick from the heat yesterday. Today they forecast 93 with high humidity and pollen. Just now taking a break from weed whacking and want to be done soon. Can't take this heat anymore.
Weird. We are just now getting our June Gloom the last few days. It is overcast and cool until the sun burns off the marine layer. Then it gets HOT. I worked in the veggie garden until 11:00. The minute the sun came out I could feel the heat. I packed up and headed for home. The air was still cool but it won't be long before we turn the A/C on.
Today they are saying 90º but it is actually 84.5º.

It is actually breezy and not bad in the shade. Humidity is Low = 41% RH.
A/C is on but hardly running to maintain 75º inside.

Can't keep it too cool because Tina's Uncle will freeze. 90 Years old...makes you fear the cold. He's with his Woolrich shirt on and his and ball cap. hahahahaha

I weed whacked for my Amish neighbor this morning and took his boy over to the mill for a motor to run his baler. We got a quick spritz and then bright sun for a while. After eating lunch I had to turn the a/c back on as the house was getting too hot. We just had another spritz so I hope he got his hay baled and put away. We were at 82 but now dropped to 77 and it looks like the storms are almost here. We may get lucky and they will miss us by about 10 miles. At least the first batch.
From June Gloom it has gone to August weather. July is usually very dry but we've got 100 degrees with humidity. Good thing that it cools off at night, down around 65 or so.
I'm sittin here humming.....

"Ya better watch out, ya better not cry, ya better be good, I'm telling you why!
.....laa laa la la laa laa laaaa laaaaa!

OOoooo! It gives me the shivers.... love it!
that nasty stuff went due north of me. Thank goodness. We've had 4 excellent boating days (July 4th to 7th) for a change. Could get used to this weather very easily.
Was sunny, but now a cloudy overcast, with the sun slightly showing. Gentle winds from the Southwest. Temps in the upper 80s.
It's close to 100 with clouds near the mountains. They could get some thunderstorms. The last thing that we need is dry lightening.
W got another round of real nasty storms about 5:30. Not quite as much rain right here but areas all around us got hit terribly hard. Tornado warning and straight line wind brought a lot of trees down east of us a few miles. It was all a matter of where the nasty cells crossed the border as it moved through. They just fixed the end of our road this morning. All the local and county road guys are out and about half are hauling rock to the shared crusher which likely ran all night as well as today. One crew is in the creek pushing up rock and loading it into trucks to haul to the crusher. They move a lot of rock and crush it into gravel with about 40 ten wheelers running all day into the night. We are down to 71 now from a high off 88 when I left the cancer center today.
Spent all morning using the skid loader to fix my lane and the town road at the end of it. Need a load of stone to do mine right. I rebuilt all the water breakers as the hard rain got over a few the past 2 days. Now we have more rain coming in right now. Starting to get tired of this! Just looked at the radar and a nasty cell is heading right for us and should be here in about 10 minutes. This will make 3 days in a row!
Spent all morning using the skid loader to fix my lane and the town road at the end of it. Need a load of stone to do mine right. I rebuilt all the water breakers as the hard rain got over a few the past 2 days. Now we have more rain coming in right now. Starting to get tired of this! Just looked at the radar and a nasty cell is heading right for us and should be here in about 10 minutes. This will make 3 days in a row!
Yeah!.... I saw that cell on the radar... My cousin lives in Taylor,PA and she said it's only 70 there....so must be a nasty storm a brewing...
Only 30% chance of storms for us. Had some big winds and storms last night.
got the weather channel local on tv, and two severe storms due here in 15 minutes or so....

the tv is honking errrk errrk errrk.......

oh yeah.... everything still not a leaf blowing, and nasty purple sky westerly.

Any minute now...... I love it. Looking out the windows while Tina is yelling at me for doing so. hahahaha
We just had our 3rd round of storms today. Hope it is soon over with and we get the clear cool weather they keep talking about. The bad part is it comes down so fast it does not have much chance to soak in. Just now got another warning for severe thunderstorms till 11 pm.


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Cloudy all day here.
Humid as heck. I worked checking something on the car, and was drenched soaking wet, just removing the rear wheel and fender liner. That's how humid it is. Not Hot out. only was 80 ,, but the sticky air made up for it.
Nice day today.... sticky is gone.
75ºF ....and a breeze. 50's tonight and tomorrow night.

It could be colder, but I'll take it as it is. :wink:
Cool weather is finally here. 51 this morning and only 70 now with 50% humidity. Too breezy to spray so am working in the shop putting things away and getting the push mower going. Cleaned out under the footrests in the skid steer. Used it to move the chicken tractor to a new area. Since the weather cooled they are laying better.
Strangest weather that I've ever experienced in Texas - Was in the high 90's for several weeks and then overnight it cooled down to the low 70's and has been that way for several days.
Ditto here in SoCal. Cool and overcast today and the last four days. Same predicted for tomorrow then it getss blistering hot.
I live down here in Lower Alabama, south, south, east of Mobile, about 10 miles north of the Gulf. It's July and the highs for the month have mostly been 88, 89,s 90, 91 or 92. When we have afternoon thundershowers, which is often the temperature drops into the low 70's. Coolest summer that I can ever remember.
The weather is beautiful here, not too hot, not too cold. Makes me want to roll out the bbq pit.

I've got a couple more yard projects to get done while it's cooler because I'm sure the temps will climb back into the high 80's again pretty soon.