What is Your Weather?

I'm at the beach with temps in the high 60's or low 70's. You'all back there take care. That weather is dangerous.
we have snow- plenty enough that we need boots.
someone actually swept my stairs. i'll, thus, leave them salt. TY, random person that took their time to be thoughtful.
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Finished cleaning the measly 2 inches of snow we got this early morning.
It wasn't even shovel ready cleaning. Just used a broom on the soft powdery amount to nothing snow. Grrrrrrr!! I want a hump of storm so I can have fun and at least use the snow blower.
Finished cleaning the measly 2 inches of snow we got this early morning.
It wasn't even shovel ready cleaning. Just used a broom on the soft powdery amount to nothing snow. Grrrrrrr!! I want a hump of storm so I can have fun and at least use the snow blower.

Be careful what you wish for.

not sure we have weather - somebody may need to send us some degrees before we can have weather . . . how does one have 'minus / negative weather' - ?

not sure we have weather - somebody may need to send us some degrees before we can have weather . . . how does one have 'minus / negative weather' - ?

buy a place, here- that eplains how.. then buy salt & make pals- yinz may hafta use each others' once in awhile. then get a coat, boots, a hat, or 7. you'll get through.
Raining here, +3 C. All streets are iced and wet. It´s danger to walk outside. The spring-like weather is too early here and winter will returns sooner or later.
YAY!!! .... We are so happy!! ... Saturday (actually tonight) we are supposed to get 3 to 5 inches of snow, and Sunday another 1 to 3.
I can't wait!!.... Just love that white stuff so much. It's supposed to be a heavier great snow man making type snow too! Something to chew at with the snow blower.
It is 0.0º out now, and I think that is the last of the super cold we will get for the rest of the season. Nope! I am wrong...I just saw a -4º for tuesday morning.
It doesn't snow very often around here, so when it does, everyone gets real excited...except me:


Pic stolen straight from Guts prior post :biggrin:
Tina says... " flip flops & moo moo's.

Right now, we are having a warm spell today. It's 35º out. Gonna dip back down to 12º tonight though.

It's so funny. As soon as it flips above 32º....the people start coming out like ants.
I was just outside chopping ice with just my shirt on. I had a little vest on, and I started to sweat.
We are up to 22 now but the wind has been blasting all day. Wife just told me the lane is drifting bad at the lower end. Will have to plow again in the morning.
It has rained just about all day down here in Lower Alabama. Present temperature is 41° . Not a day you would want to brag about. At least we are not getting the snow and freezing rain that they are getting in north and central Mississippi and Alabama.
We only got up to 15 with snow squalls off and on. Next 3 nights are well below zero. Then Sunday warm up and snow about 5-8 inches. Next Wednesday we are to hit 40. That might start the maple sap running.
I could tell there is a warming trend now!
I am loading the pellet stove much less. Temperature is set to 80ºF and there is only one person that loves it in the living room. Wives Uncle Gabe 91 y/o. LOL....

Right now it's 22º and cloudy.
Roasting in this house! 27º out and sunny. 82º in the living room so Unkie won't get a chill!.... It's drifting into the other areas and they are in the mid 70's. Way too warm to be comfortable. I could throw a couple tons of sand on the floor, and Tina could be on Vacation with her Bikini and a cold drink, whilst Uncle Gabe sits with his long johns and thermal wear plus his wool jacket on.

Can't wait till tomorrow afternoon.... 3 to 5 inches of the white stuff! Yippie!!!
Then some ice. It's only a little snow, but at least I will be able to use the snow blower.
Temps in the mid 20's during the snow, so that's perfect.
We've had the weirdest, most mild winter ever this year. Today it's sunny and 54 degrees, the plum trees are blooming, the crocus and daffodils are up - it's crazy!
I can finally see the grass as most of the snow has melted. I don't see how y'all do it. I'm sick of snow after only about 1 week.
we just got another 4" of snow - now it's turning to rain - at 27'F - which makes for ice crusting and very heavy snow . . .

yeah, I'd settle for spring about now . . .
We're going on about 6 weeks of snow now. lol It's a heat wave at 28 degrees today!! The past couple weeks it's been below 0 every day.......

It's been snowing all day today and we probably got another 6 inches. You "sorta" get used to it.


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Nice pic homecook...

Love the tranquil look of snow.
Just broke down the last ton of wood pellets and humped 6 bags into the garage plus another 6 bags for DD.

It is snowing now, and all I have to do is look out the window, and enjoy the falling white stuff. It's a perfect 22º for keeping the precip in the form of snow! yay!