What is Your Weather?

A couple of nights ago, they showed a clip on my local news station about the big snows happening in places that rarely see it.
Apparently it hadn't snowed in Mobile, Alabama since '63.
The clip of those kids playing in the snow was a precious sight to behold.
That's A LOT of snow Andy! I'm glad you weathered the storm okay. I really wish Peeps would check in. Anyone heard from BT?
Peeps posted in the dinner thread. Peep, if you have no heat and need help, let me know.

Karen, I am not planning on going anywhere major. I did go out for gas for the snow blower. That large black truck will take me wherever I want to go. This is not unheard of in N J, but not common either.
Actually it has snowed here in LA three times that I personally know of. The first time would have been some 60 years ago. Dad had to clean the snow off of the slide so we could go down it. The other two times it melted almost right away.
Yes, I remember the last time, which was like 4 years ago. I hardly called it snow but I remember cycling through the hills of Malibu several days later and seeing patches of snow in the shade. Now that was freaky, seeing snow that close to the coast.
when I was little. We lived in Ohio, where it snowed. And when we moved to California. They told me that there would be no snow and I would have to leave my sled there. I just couldn't believe there was no snow in California. I used to love to play in the snow with my sled, but just couldn't imagine living in it now. It's pretty to look at an nice to visit but I don't think I could live in a snow climate. Hope y'all stay warm and thanks for the pretty pictures.
Same here. But at least we can see snow in the distant mountains...lol...

that's about as close as I want to get to it too. I was in St. Louis in the blizzard of 96 and you walk in the snow and not get wet. Not at all like the snow we had here it's a very wet snow.
That's A LOT of snow Andy! I'm glad you weathered the storm okay. I really wish Peeps would check in. Anyone heard from BT?

Peeps posted at 9:30 this A.M., and BT posted just after 11 A.M., so they're both OK, I think. We know Andy's here. Anyone else MIA from the storm area? Luvs?
My call was forwarded to her voice mail and said her mail box was full, then I was instructed to hang up.
Couldn't even leave her a message.
The other phone number she'd given me is no longer in service.
Hello all. The smell of gas was because the furnace chimney was covered in about 2 1/2 feet of snow maybe more and the fumes that couldn't escape the chimney came in the house and the furnace shut itself off. I opened my cabinets and kept putting the dryer on in the bathroom to keep the pipes from freezing. Put the oven on and off a few times for heat. I didn't get much sleep and was having putter problems. (I will deal with that later.) Also on top of all that crap the toilet was stopped up. I thought just what I need frozen waste pipe also. But it just needed a lot of plunging. I have no clue what the problem was but after about an hour of plunging and cussing that was taken care of. AND as a bonus I worked up a sweat which kept me warm!! (hey a bright side!! LOL) Hub cleared the chimney off off this AM. I did make a post about all this before I did the dinner thread but then my putter froze had to shut it down. When I came back just now that post is gone for some reason. I finally got some hours sleep. It is very windy out there. They weather channel and the channel 12 Jersey news station said that bergan county got around to 30" of snow. I am right in the middle of that band of snow fall. I went out this morning to try and shovel the deck and steps, took 4 steps, fell on my ass and twisted my ankle so bad that it is swollen to twice it's normal size. BUT brightside I stayed on my butt buried in about 2 feet of snow so I ICED the ankle for about 10 minutes!! I am trying to have a sense of humor here. When it snows it blizzards!! I cracked myself up!! :lol: That girl should get over here with a big a$$ box of salt!!
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Glad to see that you and everyone else are okay Peeps! I don't know that I would have had such a great sense of humor.
They are predicting 4-8 inches of snow here with some ice thrown in there too. It's a rare occurrence in Bama to see any more than a dusting. This will be the second significant snowfall for us - the first actually came on Christmas day.
They are predicting 4-8 inches of snow here with some ice thrown in there too. It's a rare occurrence in Bama to see any more than a dusting. This will be the second significant snowfall for us - the first actually came on Christmas day.

We got our first SIGNIFICANT snow the day after christmas - 3 FEET!! LOL You beat us by 1 day. I wish we got ours on xmas.
Beautiful. Here's a shot from high atop Mt. Wilson.
^^^ I can clearly see Mt Wilson from where I am...:)

Nice! I can see the pool from where I am. LOL. Looks like there's snow up there now. One year we went cross-country skiing around that area. They have ski shops (at the foot of the San Gabriel Mts.?), where you can rent skis. I lasted about an hour. Ha. Do you ski locally in the Mts. here FooD?
Nice! I can see the pool from where I am. LOL. Looks like there's snow up there now. One year we went cross-country skiing around that area. They have ski shops (at the foot of the San Gabriel Mts.?), where you can rent skis. I lasted about an hour. Ha. Do you ski locally in the Mts. here FooD?
There's a Sport Chalet (ski shop) in La Canada that's been there for decades.
No, I don't ski, but I regularly cycle with a group of cyclists all over the San Gabriels, including Mt Baldy.
Beautiful pic CC!

It's been snowing here for a couple of hours now. We've got 2 inches already and it's still coming down. They're saying 3 to 5 inches and sleet and freezing rain on top of it tomorrow. They're also expecting a lot of power outages tomorrow because of ice on the power lines. The power may stay out for a few days. We filled all of the propane tanks for the grill and the gas cans for the generator so we should be okay


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Probably around 2 inches, maybe a little less. It's been alot of ice with a little snow so far. The heavy snow is supposed to pick up overnight.
Now they're saying 3 to 6 inches of snow here with 1/4 to 1/2 inch of ice on top of it.