What is Your Weather?

OK, I need to be a mod so I can ban Kathe and Buzz from EVER posting in this thread after let's say, October.

It's 12. It's done snowing but they keep plowing because it keeps blowing. Wind Chill is -14.
I shoveled..... that was pretty freakin' warm. Now I'm cold again.
cold, but it has warmed up to 9F, and supposed to be in low 30's by the weekend! yea! It's been bitter cold, well below zero, and snowy. We didn't get hit as hard with this latest storm, but the wind is whipping the snow we do have. Kids are heading home this week from the University, a 2+ hour drive with a whole lotta nothing but snow, wind, and ice on the roads. (and deer and antelope and elk)
You've got a higher ceiling, Barb. I got your ceiling right about 5:00 before the sun went down.

We get what we call Ice Dunes in the winter, Dan. Sometimes they get to be 12 ft high. And they are all hollow and yes, sometimes you hear about someone trying to climb one and falling into the lake and drowning. Not as much as you used to though.

Nice pics BTW, Dan and Barb.
We used to get those dunes, probably still do I just don't go down there as much any more. lol
We would also sled ride down the cliff on to the lake. The dunes here were really solid and we'd slide off them. I guess we were dumb kids. LOL
I talked about the nature made igloo ice formation.
Here is the rest of the story. I went for a walk, I was about 1/2 mile out on lake Huron.
A storm hit. It was white out! I could not see the shore, nor did I have any idea which way to go. When I saw that igloo, an enclosure to protect me from the elements. It very much affirmed my belief in God! I was in the igloo about 1/2 hour before the storm subsided.
I could see land, and I went home.
Another thing about the ice on the lake. A crack will suddenly appear, and it sounds like a rifle going off! First time I heard that, it was also pretty scary!

It finally cooled off enough to go outside and put out the Christmas decorations. We had a cold front come through so it was down to the upper 70's. Here's a pic.


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19...windchill of 7
gusting winds, blowing snow....Freezing-ass cold!!!!!

I think I'm going to light a fire. lol
Barb I was just gonna ask if you got all that lake effect 3 foot crap..... Or Fred.....

Its crazy to live here but I'm thinkin Buffalo would be 10x WORSE!
Fortunately the snow didn't materialize like they thought. It blew over the lake into PA and NY. We'll be getting it before too long though!
Driving last night was not fun......the snow that we have was blowing across the freeway and it was almost a whiteout.
It's warming up here, 14F now, but windy. The roads are open, but still worrying about kids driving today through ground blizzards, high winds.
Fortunately the snow didn't materialize like they thought. It blew over the lake into PA and NY. We'll be getting it before too long though!
Driving last night was not fun......the snow that we have was blowing across the freeway and it was almost a whiteout.

Yeah, I thought I heard they were calling for 6".

I have a 'new' snow plow on my lawn and garden tractor, but plowing snow with the tractor quit being fun when I was ~ 15.

Front suspension on the 4wd truck has to be done before the truck is taken off the stands. I have the parts, I'm hoping for warmer temperatures. the 30's will do.

Darn truck couldn't have broken two weeks earlier. At least I have a garage.

It made it to 25 degrees today but the wind hasn't stopped blowing for what, three days?

Time to get out the space heater.
Snowed again. Cold is coming.
DH is gone to N Dakota til late tomorrow, guess I have to figure out the snowblower.
Is it June yet?
LOL it's ok Buzz... I've made my peace with you being warmer than I for the winter again and I will allow you to keep posting. :)
Hey Suzi, I kind of got lucky today, I got to work and it started to snow after that again. 494 is a parking lot already. Where is that global worming, when you needed? :snow: :mad:
LOL Charlie I was just seeing that on the news and being VERY thankful I dont work during the week! DH got to go the opposite direction of the snow.... gotta love when a plan comes together!
wow...hope we have awhile before we haveto deal with that! I love to look at it but I can only imagine walking in it at 8 mos plus pregnant......uhg!
It's gonna be 76 today but with rain, T-storms, and a chance of tornadoes all day long. Golf will be cancelled. Looks like a good day for taking the car in for servicing.

NOW R U happy, suziquzie?
It's gonna be 76 today but with rain, T-storms, and a chance of tornadoes all day long. Golf will be cancelled. Looks like a good day for taking the car in for servicing.

NOW R U happy, suziquzie?

Now don't go implying I'd wish you BAD weather!!!!
But, no..... you can keep your Christmas tornado. Thanks, I'll just stay inside and whine about the cold.
23 today though, not too bad. :blush:

Stay safe!
Raleigh, NC... grocery store shelves are bare of milk, bread, beer and cigarettes, as the city holds it breath, waiting to see if the revered "Fish" the weatherman calls it correctly....

Will we get snow, or just rain??????????????

(Three years ago, 1/2 inch caused a city wide traffic jam.Took my wife NINE hours to come home from work..... 7 miles away.)

No, wait... I'm low on BEER! hahahahahahahahahaha
Raleigh, NC... grocery store shelves are bare of milk, bread, beer and cigarettes, as the city holds it breath, waiting to see if the revered "Fish" the weatherman calls it correctly....

Will we get snow, or just rain??????????????

(Three years ago, 1/2 inch caused a city wide traffic jam.Took my wife NINE hours to come home from work..... 7 miles away.)

No, wait... I'm low on BEER! hahahahahahahahahaha
1/2 inch of snow is the weather I take the trash out barefoot and in shorts and a teeshirt. :tongue: