Rants and Raves thread

Actually its not usually because it offends people but because those in charge worry that it might offend people. In my experience, most people of orher faiths do not get offended by our religous celebrations and some even join in. Just as we don't get offended (or shouldn't) when those of other faiths have their festivals and our children find out about Hannakuh, Diwali, Eid etc.
.. and you cant say Merry Christmas, or should I say, it's not appreciated by some folks..
Happy Holidays is a lot more PC..
Screw the PC crowd, and if you're offended by my Christian holidays, you're just going to have to get over it. As for me, I'm offended by your high level of ignorance. Go get a life or go back to the lifeless third world nation you ran from.
wow its amazing how things get blown up in a flash. from a post on xmas decorations in the stores in sept. :ohmy:
Isn't it a beautiful thing? :blob_blue: That's what Rants & Raves is all about. Keeps the bad boys & girls off the visible forum. FWIW, I AM seriously offended by people who demand respect for their viewpoint at the expense of everyone else's viewpoint. I still believe they are ignorant, as are the morons in pseudo leadership positions who cave to these whining ass people. Did you ever notice that the people with the most education cave the quickest and worry the most about the most ignorant minority sub-sect in society care about? Maybe it's because they waste their lives trying to please everyone who cries, and fail to take a stand for anything of any substance, and get all pissy at people who stand on their convictions and don't give a rats ass about whiners. Politicians and academicians are the worst at caving, and interestingly, they contribute the least to society...parasites if you will.

Oh, I almost forgot, there is no holiday or season by the name of Xmas...it's Christmas. The whiner atheists, academicians and the caved in politicians are the ones who removed Christ from Christmas. I'm not part of that crowd, and never will be. Actually, most Americans do not subscribe that bullshit.

Rant over...back to FF.
CC, I edited my post, but I have to agree with what Joe said.
This isn't ganging up on you, it's agreeing with Joe.

This particular corner of the forum was made to Rant and Rave.. not to agree with anyone else, necessarily.

It used to be called "Pissed Off" as you know.. but that seemed a bit harsh after a while, I think, to have a thread with that title.

Christmas IS Christmas and always WILL be CHRISTMAS as far as I am concerned.
Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukkah, Happy Eid al-Adha.. etc...

Happy Holidays is a lazy blanket term for lazy citizens who have caved in to go along with the politically correct crowd in our nation, if not all over the world.

Oh yes, I too have noticed Christmas decorations on the shelves, but only at places like the dollar stores.
The mall usually gets decorated right after Halloween, before we've even had Thanksgiving.
Don't like that either.
I haven't ventured out of town to the big bad city of Lima to see if Wally World or Meijer have stocked their shelves as yet.
I don't pay a lot of attention unless it's directly in my face, like the shelves were when I went to Dollar General the other day to purchase bleach, Tide and tp.
just to clarify something, I totally agree with what JoeV said . I say Merry Christmas & if they don't like it they can take a hike.

I am just annoyed to see the christmas items in stores before the end of summer. I mean its still sept & I saw them weeks ago. Oh well.

I sure don't understand them putting out Christmas stuff this early. I can't see how it does them any good. So I see their goods and maybe I do buy something for Christmas earlier than I might have. So what? I won't buy more because of it. Doesn't matter when we do our shopping, it all works out the same. We have a budget we try to stick to. Sometimes we don't start until December but we still try to stick to that budget. Some years we go over, okay, honestly, most years we go over. But we sure do not spend more because they put dumb decorations up in Sept instead of November. I simply don't get it.
Most of my Christmas shopping is done by early October as a rule. I hate crowded stores and avoid them like the plague in November through January. But then with 3 grown kids, 17 grandkids and 5 great grand kids it is a 6 month quest.
Most of my Christmas shopping is done by early October as a rule. I hate crowded stores and avoid them like the plague in November through January. But then with 3 grown kids, 17 grandkids and 5 great grand kids it is a 6 month quest.
I have never shopped ealier than november or december. I have question: If you shop in say september/october what happens if there is a problem with an item. Can you return something 3 months later without a problem from the live store or Amazon/online store?
I haven't ventured out to the stores, but have heard certain stores are putting out holiday decorations. It's a tough economy, & I imagine the stores have to compete w/ online shoppers. If they are offering items I need "On Sale" or a better price, I'm all for it; & don't much care about the decor.

Back in the day, when I sent out cards, I would never send a Merry Christmas card to certain very religious friends. I found a generic "Happy Holidays" card covered it all (through New Years), & didn't offend anyone.

ETA: Don't really care to get into religion or politics here. Do what feels right for you & your loved ones.
BUT you CAN'T celebrate XMAS in many schools any more because it offends people!!

Be careful with using "XMAS". I was actually temporarily banned from a very well-known website for using "Xmas" instead of "Christmas" in my postings. It was/is a force of habit for me re: using brevity in postings. Many users complained, citing it as "sacreligious", even though it has its very roots in Christianity.
Be careful with using "XMAS". I was actually temporarily banned from a very well-known website for using "Xmas" instead of "Christmas" in my postings. It was/is a force of habit for me re: using brevity in postings. Many users complained, citing it as "sacreligious", even though it has its very roots in Christianity.
Thank you for the warning. I am catholic and went to catholic school. And both my girls have been baptized and received the sacraments of first Communion and Confirmation. The nuns didn't have a problem with us using that term.
Thank you for the warning. I am catholic and went to catholic school. And both my girls have been baptized and received the sacraments of first Communion and Confirmation. The nuns didn't have a problem with us using that term.

well that doesn't stop me from using it. I think to many ppl have to much time on their hands to be upset over such things.

I will say Merry Christmas & I will shortcut to XMAS> shoot me....
well that doesn't stop me from using it. I think to many ppl have to much time on their hands to be upset over such things.

I will say Merry Christmas & I will shortcut to XMAS> shoot me....
I agree with you Barb. To many people spend to much time looking for ways to cause other people grief and looking for reasons/excuses to get upset over what others say. I also agree with you and don't see anything really wrong with the word/term Xmas either. But as breezy has pointed out you can never tell what someone dedcides to get upset over.
People sometimes forget that whenever they try to control someone else or what they say, they are opening the door for someone to do the same to them. We tend to forget that it's a two way street. Who was it that said, "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."...whoever said it, was very wise.
Well yesterday I got a call from the school. A senior was bullying my girl who is a sophomore. My girl was out sick last week mon, tue, thur and friday. On wednesday there was a class assignment and the class was put in groups to complete it. My daughter was the only one who did her part. The others (1 girl and 3 boys told her to boy it all because they didn't want to do their part). My girl told the teacher (the teacher wanted to know where the rest was) when she handed her part in that she was the only one who did the assignment. Well the outcome was that my girl got a grade of 83 for her part that she did and the others got zeros. Now they are blaming her because she didn't do THEIR work. This is bullshit!! On friday the girl from the group told another student she was gonna beat up my girl because she got a 0. BUT it was one of the boys that got the senior girl involved and threatening my dautghter. The vice princple called me to let me know what was going on because my girl went to the office to report it. They have a zero tolerance for bulling in that school. Well he said he would deal witj ALL the kids from the group and the senior (who got in school suspension) get back to me.

I am still very pissed and can't even put it all into words to post.
Unfortunately, it happens. At least the school is dealing with it - I have been in schools who say they have no bullying and therefore that is their response to any report.
That's good to hear that they are trying to get a handle on the problem Peepers. Seems like that happens all too often with those "group projects". It would help if the teacher would make it clear in the beginning what will happen to those who don't participate.
More crap today!! Now the one boy is saying he did all the work and my girl put his name on it. WELL she wrote 3 poems let's see if the asshole boy can tell the teacher what those poems said!! There is more but I am LIVID at the moment!!

Thank you for the support.
WELL she wrote 3 poems let's see if the asshole boy can tell the teacher what those poems said!!
That takes some work to compose.
I am so sorry you've been going through this Peeps.
Been reading your posts and can understand your anger.:sad:
This Occupy Wall Street movement and it being talked about on every political forum is driving me nuts.
Hence, I am here. LOL
I can't blame you Sass, it is getting to me also. I think I will back off the political forums for awhile myself. It has even carried over to the gun forums which I even refuse to read anything political. I'm getting to old and tired for all the bickering over peoples motives on why the do the things they do. Besides none of this talk will change the out come. :in_love:
I can't blame you Sass, it is getting to me also. I think I will back off the political forums for awhile myself. It has even carried over to the gun forumswhich I even refuse to read anything political. I'm getting to old and tired for all the bickering over peoples motives on why the do the things they do. Besides none of this talk will change the out come. :in_love:
No, it won't.
Hugs Joe.
You best get some sleep, tall pirate. ;)
Me too..
This Occupy Wall Street movement and it being talked about on every political forum is driving me nuts.
Hence, I am here. LOL
I'm still trying to figure out what they want or what the goal is they just seem to be a bunch of young people by the most part and unions protesting Wall Street. I did say more but I erased it. No need to get political here but I agree there's other things we could be discussing besides people running around aimlessly in the street.

Sorry to hit-and-run post here but I'm late for work again
okay what is it about saying a fender bender on a freeway that everybody has to almost stop take a look at the been fender and then step on the gas. These people should be taking the bus. Have they never seen a bent fender before or somebody changing a tire. Maybe they should be watching more NASCAR. It's just a bent fender for God sakes pay attention to what's in front of you and less attention to what's behind you put down your cell phone and drive! I am totally convinced 95% of the people on the road should be taking public transportation there flipping idiots!
I went to Sam's club the other day and while I was there, I needed some dishwasher tablets. I buy the Electrosol. I noticed when I got home that not only had the price increased a little but the size of the package had gone from 100 tablets to 90! It's bad enough that they raise the prices on things but then try to hide the fact that they are raising them again by reducing the size of the package. Pissed me off when ice cream packages went from 1/2 gallon to 1 1/2 quarts too.