well some of us only come to this forum .

But I don't need to read it. I know first hand about all that.
I finaly had to place my Mother in a nursing Home.For year & half I went there at 7am to feed her & dress her . Sometimes staying most of the day till after dinner. 7day s a week. It was the hardest thing to see those loney old folks with no one. I became their family. I took the dog there too she was a happy sight to most of them. I would read to them, polish their nails, fix their hair. Take them little gifts & flowers. I tell ya it was a tough time. It was 7years ago & its still fresh in my mind like it was yesterday.
I go to the nursing home here . I take my 'girls' too.
CC- this had nothing to do with a patient, or one of my residents.
Just a man I've observed in my town-
Posting here as I did on forumsforums--
This Old Man At The Store And Church
I've noticed this man around town.
He's old.
Probably in his early 80's.. not sure really.
Anyhow, I've noticed that he-
1. Drives a little '91 Geo Metro.. red with a convertible top.
2. He walks using two canes in one hand.
3. He looks and smells unwashed.
4.I talked to him briefly at the grocery store yesterday.
He told me he used to be an engineer at Wright Patterson.. very intelligent.. he was telling me a story about how we one day will all be able to live to be 5,000 years old.
I just stood there and listened to him, shaking my head and saying that's interesting.. stuff like that.
Told him I was a nurse.
He asked where I worked.
I told him and then he said he should have his knees done.
I encouraged him to do so.. but at his age it might be risky.. however.. he seems pretty healthy for his age.
One thing that I noticed is that when he was taking his bags out to the car ( two in one hand.. canes in the other) as I was also leaving the store.. he was cussing a blue streak as he was getting inside his car.
He was screaming and saying things like 'sonofabitch! you're trying to kill me' 'God ___! it'
I think his knees were killing him.
Anyhow.. I saw him .. the same guy at church this morning.
Same behaviour.
I sit in the back pews and he came in and did the same thing!
Cussing like that in church.
Nobody seemed to take much notice.
Talk about a coincidence.
Never have I seen him in church before, but a lady I talked to after said he is a member there and does that all the time.
It was just one of those weird things.
Maybe I should go to church more.
Maybe I should try to reach out more to this old fella and find out where he lives?
We see people in our everyday lives often who spark something within our hearts and minds and we cannot forget about them.
This lovely, lost old man was one of those people.
If ever I happen to see him again, I will reach out to him in some way.. because I can't get him out of my head.