Rants and Raves thread

mama, i love when they decreased yogurts, from 8 ounces to 6.75, 6.75 to 6, too, or half your bottle of ibuprofin is cotton.


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I have an Ant Rant. They build a hill at the edge of my patio. I put Amdro on it. They work diligently, and in about an hour and a half they have pulled all the Amdro down inside their home. I think....Finally Gone. They next morning they have moved about 3 or 4 feet down the edge of the patio and built again :pat: . This has been going on for about three days now. I will get those little suckers.....I will, I will.
The battle has started. Good luck Cooksie. When we would have them coming in the house we could buy diozen (sp) and put a line of that down. The would not cross that line. I think that stuff is outlawed now though.
Thanks, Doc! I bet you are talking about diazinon. That's my next strategy...switch ant killer products.
i need to rant. i already ranted today. not online; over the phone. i'm reeling yet. i ordered a new phone, as one of my phones was pushing my buttons as often as i was pushing its.
so the phone, as we as a cell-phone reliant society 'cept for a select few know, that phone is several hundreds of dollars.
it was confirmed that it was delivered @ at a certain time by several seperate people, from a few seperate places. i got in minutes after the phone was said to have arrived. minutes. no phone. nothing.
i got on the situation, stat. well, sans results, i got the line suspended. so, somewhere, is a useless piece of plastic until it is found/replaced. & i'm :glare:
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sure as sure gets, the delivery guy arrives next day. i bolted to the front to wait on him. he was not gonna say he delivered it (a-gain), then leave me so ticked i could spit nails.:bb: i saw the box; i know that box. there was my phone that i was blessedly assured was delivered to my address the day before. seeing as to how i'd already filed a complaint, the guy couldn't look at us. i said, 'pkg. for _________'~ he gave me the phone in silence & humbly went on his way.
i plug it in. hours later, & less half my sanity, nothing. this phone arrived non-usable.
i called & they sent another one. finally, yesterday, the newest phone arrived, i signed for it, & now i have my phone....... again.:kiss:yay!
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Cooksie - Doc. I had a similar ant problem. I do not recall the name of the chemical I used. It was for killing Grubs, which I also had. You hook to the end of the hose and water. Anyway, I read the label and it said it did ants. I hosed down the areas and they were gone. I got it at a garden store, it was not hard to find.
I've never seen anything for ants that you apply with water but will check it out. I used some kind of white powder (don't recall the brand right now), and they either died or took off, maybe to the neighbor's yard :clap: .
i would love to scream. for various reasons.
i'm annoyed.
& i've varicose veins. not significant ones. (my Mom has 'em. she fully blames me for 'em for getting preggers when my bro was a baby yet. i say, 'Mom, i wasn't the one that got pregnant again while ---------------- was on ur hip!)
now it's my turn & the only baby in my life is my niece when i watch the kiddos for my bro/sil. sigh.
now my Mom gets to be responsible~ 'Mommmmmmmmmmm! you genitically predisposed me to the....... veins.'
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I tend to always keep my computer on, rarely shut it off.
Clicked to open my email this morning, then started to reply to one.
omg.. nothing.
The insertion point (vertical line was blinking).. but couldn't type in a thing.
Figured the keyboard must have died.
Yup, sure enough.
Unplugged it and found the one that came with this computer new (but I didn't like it because the keys are flat like a laptop).

Thank God that's all it was.
Guess I'll have to get used to not typing on raised keys now :tongue:
u'll get used to that. i use the on-screen keyboard most often. switching btwn. various ones isn't so great. tho we adapt/learn.
OK I am livid!! I HATE people who constantly lurk and spy here and then go to other forums and bad mouth us!! They are piece of crap cowards!! We are NOT good enough for them to associate with or post with BUT our recipes ARE good enough for them to STEAL!! If you don't like or have so many problems with us then STAY AWAY you two faced cowards!! YEAH you KNOW who you are!!
OK I am livid!! I HATE people who constantly lurk and spy here and then go to other forums and bad mouth us!! They are piece of crap cowards!! We are NOT good enough for them to associate with or post with BUT our recipes ARE good enough for them to STEAL!! If you don't like or have so many problems with us then STAY AWAY you two faced cowards!! YEAH you KNOW who you are!!
I know who you're talking about.
Don't worry about it or let it get you worked up so.
If "we" didn't have something very special, "they" wouldn't bother lurking and spying here, would they? ;) LOL
Hey Peeps, it is just recipes and cheap talk. Not worth getting too excited over in the grand scheme of things. Now as a rave I do find women who are pissed off cute and entertaining.............:yankchain::WitchBrewsSmiley:
I am not being a "smart A@@", to quote you..
I am not 'pulling' anything!
I can't believe you are accusing me of, what--I don't know..

Sass--what are you up to?
sorry--hit the wrong buttons--sun shining in eyes...don't you hate that!
What is this supposed to mean?

Obvisiously you have deleted or edited a post that you didn't want seen and this is an attempt at humor to cover up for it.
I am not being a "smart A@@", to quote you..
I am not 'pulling' anything!
I can't believe you are accusing me of, what--I don't know..

Sass--what are you up to?

Sticking up for a friend whom you and your sister-at-the-hip have been harassing on another forum with your weak brand of humour.
That's about it!
I do not understand why both of you are harassing me.
I do not feel that I should be defending myself.
I have never harassed anyone on any forum.
Truth be known,
I broke my rt shoulder/arm in July. I have not been able to post or forums for months.
I have not been in touch anyone from any cooking forums since then.
Why are you harassing me?

I have all I can do to be
STOP IT right now Sass and Peeps or there will be time outs. A member can edit a post as they wish, to guess it was something negative is unfair. I will not put up with this kind of public ridicule on my forums. What happens on other forums stays on other forums. I do not put up with carry over. Nuff said.