When I win the lottery, I'm gonna buy a Dyson. And a housekeeper.
I've got another little project going, so I've been looking at some bathroom plumbing fixtures.
My rant - I bought a shower head just about a year ago for $52. Today it's $97, almost doubled in price. The shower arm was $45, and now it's $78. Some of the items did go down...by about a 1 or 2 dollars
. I can understand a little price increase from year to year, but that's ridiculous.
Gotta feed the middle man, woman, them, whatevers.
Today, they can see where the demand comes from. Computers track that now, and the factors like gouging profit takes hold.
Like, for Christmas, i.e. , DD bought Mom a dvd blue ray player, and Me, a dvd player for my tv in the kitchen. We were hurt, that she spent so much on our gifts.
We told her that, and she said " Mom and Dad, those things are a dime a dozen!"
"The store asked if I wanted the extended warranty, and the price for that, was cheaper than the cost of the new player!"
It is rare, that the plumber is called to do faucet repairs, and such as was the norm years ago. I did it while working in my dads plumbing business. Re-building faucets and toilet flush components was the norm. Today, it's a throw away society; even in the plumbing industry. The part of the plan, was the availability of plumbing parts, available to the home D.I.Y.'er, and the introduction of plastic components in the industry.
Example I learned yesterday, was a friends stove ( oven ) was not working. She spent 89.00 for the service call, and diagnostic. The part needed ( control board ) 665.00....
A new stove at Lowes....800.00 5 year warranty. She bought the new stove.
Another to add to my very long list of grammatical pet peeves:
Seen and heard so often in the media (TV and social), is the incorrect usage of "would have", e.g. "I wish I would have known" instead of "I wish I had known".
"If I would have gotten on that plane ...."
"Maybe if they would have read more ...."
Cooksie - a _lot_ of people are cutting the cable cord. you're right - every year cable goes up 10-15% - for 4 shopping channels, 18 basketball games, 6 football games, and as the TV dude says "xxx bucks for channels you don't watch"
Comcast in our area has now added a $7/mo fee for carrying local (high school?) games.
Comcast whined about cable theft, so they 'converted' to all digital signals meaning if you don't have their cable box (@ $16/mo) or a basic black box, you can't see anything. also trashed any use of (for example) MS Media Center as a digital recorder - you have to rent a DVR from Comcast @ $?/month.
when they went to digital, Comcast provided free basic converters. then they started with a $1.95/mo charge per each and now it's $3.95/mo if memory serves... and Comcast now blames the whole thing on 'the government'
couple months back I took in a second basic converter I was not using and told them point blank I'm looking at cutting their cord because the costs have tripled in the last ten years. (I'm anal, I have the bills, ain't no zaggeration....)
"Oh sir, you've been such a loyal customer we do have a special rate . . . "
and they promptly dropped the bill to ten years ago amounts. if you have Comcast, threaten to cancel and they'll lop buckets off your bill.
I use my cell phone 'hotspot' when traveling - frankly performance is almost no different that home cable. long term I suspect it might be noticeable.
regardless, I'm gonna drive this Comcast pkg for a while but an unlimited cell phone data plan is still on my radar.
We cut the cable and lopped a hundred dollars off ouf bill.
We do t watch broadcasy TV (2 -13) ever. Only a couple programs on history and nat geo.
We miss - The caller ID on screen and an accurate clock under the TV, that's it.
When I turned the boxes in, there were seven people in line ahead of me doing the same thing.
If you are interested - FaceBookGroup - chord cutter tech support. Her is a spread sheet available that shows ask free and charge services and what they have.
Wow Peeps, that's terrible.
So do you use window units and don't have central air?
I'd be pissed too.