What are you doing today?

I looked up De Quervain tenosynovitis and I have the same symptoms. My doctor said it's arthritis, too. Don't know what the difference is.

My pain at the base of my thumb comes and goes. Left hand, but I'm a righty.

I have similar issues, from time to time. Sometimes worse than others. Everyone is different, and there's no substitute for a discussion with your doctor...that said, what helps me is Glucosamine, on a daily basis and compression gloves when even that can't keep the pain away.

Lately, I've taken to using a "hand cruncher" device. An exercise thingy to strengthen my hands. I keep it handy and just use it several times a day. It has a progressive "weight" spring. I was so happy when I was able to give it a couple of twists for more resistance! Progress! :D
I think a lot of the pain in my hand/thumb area is due to years of using my right thumb to punch out meds from the cartridges. I'm left handed, but I use my right hand/thumb for that (go figure) .
I've thought about a compression type glove or something if it ever becomes unbearable.
I think a lot of the pain in my hand/thumb area is due to years of using my right thumb to punch out meds from the cartridges. I'm left handed, but I use my right hand/thumb for that (go figure) .
I've thought about a compression type glove or something if it ever becomes unbearable.
I have them, and they don't help much, if at all. :(
I have them, and they don't help much, if at all. :(
Everyone is different! For me, they help a lot, at least, while I'm wearing them. And sometimes, that's the best I can hope for? I got a pair of the "As Seen On TV" copper gloves. It was a spur of the moment thing, as I walked by them in our local Bi-Mart, I thought, "worth a try." They have considerable compression, so I would not sleep in them. I have a brace that I can sleep in...as much to keep my hands warm, as anything. Cold is NOT good!
Oh yeah, I'm going back to work on the 7th and 9th this week.
It's been nice having a long stretch off.
I haven't worked since April 13th, so I'll have a lot of catching up to do Lol
I do keep in contact though about newer admissions - their health history and things like that.
Last 5 days I watched the Scottish Open Pool Tournament live on Youtube. It was fun, chatting with seasoned players and newbies alike. I slept after 3am all 5 days. Tonight I can sleep early.
Final was between a Vietnamese player (Duong Quoc Hoang) and a US player (Oscar Dominguez). The Vietnamese guy won. Both players were very humble guys, no fights. The US guy's behaviour was one of the coolest I've ever seen after a tournament final.
Went to Colombo yesterday with some friends. Bought denim jeans. There's only one brand that fits me. I wear trousers on the biological waist, not hanging down the hips. All available jeans are slim, and below hips. Like there's a severe shortage of materials, and you wear a toddler's pants.
Found one that fits me. Luckily.
Then in the evening we all went to a pub on the top floor of the One Galle Face Mall. The first one was a crappy bar, and moved to another one after one round. They drank a lot of beer. The pub had a buy one get one free offer.

I was the only one that didn't drink, and therefore had to drive. I drank coca cola and ate fish, pork belly, and fried mushrooms. Came back at 2.30am and slept at the car owner's house. 🤣
I checked out the exotic knife shop at One Galle Face, found the Victorinox is much more expensive than it was. They tried hard to sell it to me. Lol
Lunch was biryani rice and fried chicken. Chicken was very dry though. Hard, not crispy. But it was alright with onions, mint sambal, and curry sauce.
Went to Colombo yesterday with some friends. Bought denim jeans. There's only one brand that fits me. I wear trousers on the biological waist, not hanging down the hips. All available jeans are slim, and below hips. Like there's a severe shortage of materials, and you wear a toddler's pants.
Found one that fits me. Luckily.
Then in the evening we all went to a pub on the top floor of the One Galle Face Mall. The first one was a crappy bar, and moved to another one after one round. They drank a lot of beer. The pub had a buy one get one free offer.

I was the only one that didn't drink, and therefore had to drive. I drank coca cola and ate fish, pork belly, and fried mushrooms. Came back at 2.30am and slept at the car owner's house. 🤣
I checked out the exotic knife shop at One Galle Face, found the Victorinox is much more expensive than it was. They tried hard to sell it to me. Lol
Lunch was biryani rice and fried chicken. Chicken was very dry though. Hard, not crispy. But it was alright with onions, mint sambal, and curry sauce.

Busy weekend, Indike!

Have you seen a Sri Lankan hospital in a rural area? Here's me now. It's raining outside, and happy to be under a roof. They gave me pain killers but it's wearing out now. I got a pain on the left side of my back, just around the left hip. Then spread to a bit higher just below the ribs. They said they'd do a urine test tomorrow to see if kidney stones. I'm trying to fall asleep now. Lol.
Have you seen a Sri Lankan hospital in a rural area? Here's me now. It's raining outside, and happy to be under a roof. They gave me pain killers but it's wearing out now. I got a pain on the left side of my back, just around the left hip. Then spread to a bit higher just below the ribs. They said they'd do a urine test tomorrow to see if kidney stones. I'm trying to fall asleep now. Lol.
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Awww sweetie 😬😔
Get well soon, Indike!
🤗 Hugs
What I've done today.
Woke up this morning in a great deal of pain, all over.
Migraine, arthritic pain, almost said to hell with it, I'm staying immobile.
Took the Tylenol, got a shower, hit the street and did my walk.
Came back home, cleaned my apartment - went over to work to check the open shifts and picked up this Sunday night as well as Thursday.
Found out my lovie resident Dan passed away on Wednesday. I figured he would.
I'm going to miss him.

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Have you seen a Sri Lankan hospital in a rural area? Here's me now. It's raining outside, and happy to be under a roof. They gave me pain killers but it's wearing out now. I got a pain on the left side of my back, just around the left hip. Then spread to a bit higher just below the ribs. They said they'd do a urine test tomorrow to see if kidney stones. I'm trying to fall asleep now. Lol.
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Geez! Please keep us posted, Indike.

Jules, her Granddaughter Emma and I went to Morenci, Michigan today to lay fresh flowers on her husband's grave, at Oak Grove cemetery.
I normally go with her twice a year.
Today would have been his birthday, we also go around Christmas.
On the way back, we stopped at Ryan's restaurant in Wauseon. They tried to charge me $38 for 1 trip to the buffet bar, just because I got a small slice of the prime rib and not much else on the plate.
When I told the waitress yes, I had some prime rib as well , it came out to $18 more.

I told her I'm not one to quibble over a restaurant bill, but something didn't seem right here, she immediately took it from me and came back with it knocked down to just over $20.
I made/remade jewelry. I took apart several old, outdated necklaces and reconstructed a few new ones that I will actually wear now. Several were 'choker' style, short and close to the neck. I combined 2 into one, added beads to others to extend them, etc. I'm pretty happy with them.
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Wow, how talented! They are lovely, Kathy!

I’m mostly packed for our red eye flight, 0100, to Dallas then on to Des Moines. We have rental car in DM and will visit a cousin of Nancy’s then on to Cedar Rapids where we rented a Vrbo house close to the Czech cemetery. It’s going to be a long two days and hope to sleep on the plane, both legs.
First trip to the beach this morning - only stayed 2 hours. Came home, showered, went to work for a couple of hours, did some errands, finally found a pot of marjoram at the garden center (I like it much better than oregano), came home to a Sara-cleaned house.

A good day and it's only 3:00!

AND Survivor finale tonight!

I went to a meeting at work to meet our new Administrator, among other things.
He's a very nice man!
We covered a lot of area as well - hopefully to make a difference in the way things have been going.
While there I did pick up the night shift for tomorrow night.
First trip to the beach this morning - only stayed 2 hours. Came home, showered, went to work for a couple of hours, did some errands, finally found a pot of marjoram at the garden center (I like it much better than oregano), came home to a Sara-cleaned house.

A good day and it's only 3:00!

AND Survivor finale tonight!

Work? New job?
Oh yes, while I was over there for our monthly meeting, I checked in on one of our residents whom I've been concerned about since I worked last, on Sunday night.
She's going down fast.
Remona. Not Ramona. She spells it differently.
I call her Granny.
I think she's going to go to Heaven before the day is over.
If she does, it will be a huge blessing. 😢❤️