What are you eating Sunday, March 19, to Saturday, March 25, 2023?

Sounds pretty healthy to me!

I would say so.

For brunch, I'm going to use a piece of Dave's killer bread toasted, with beans and boiled egg.
Dinner will be the other turkey burger from last night.
I'll take my usual celery, yogurt and peanuts to work in case I feel hungry at all throughout the night.
It was really healthy and low calorie. 3 veggies- beets, asparagus, mushrooms, - sauce had no cream or butter, just wine and stock deglaze - and we each only ate about 2 ounces of lean beef. No salad, but I figured with 3 veggies I had enough. I did use some olive oil for roasting and sautéing, but that is healthier than butter!