What's on The Plates Sunday November 19 - Saturday 25


Well-known member
Everything went ok with the dinner, and with 4 women, and 4 kids, there was only 3 cranky arguments with them; whilst the men sat silent and shut their mouths and stayed neutral. LOL. We were all happy though, when we all said the blessing for all we have, and so much of the world suffers while at war....... God guide them and help them through their suffering.


🌹 Still trying to get it right.
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Sweet potato casserole, green beans casserole, stuffing, glazed carrots, turkey, homemade cranberry-orange relish (uncooked), home-made whole berry cranberry sauce, steamed Brussels sprouts creamed pearl onions, mashed yellow potatoes, and homemade gravy.


Apple pie with homemade whipped cream (I love Trader Joe's Vanilla Bean Paste).



Low Carb Home Cook
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I went ahead and made this and am having some for lunch. I'll have a bit more later for dinner.
So easy! I was afraid to keep adding more pasta water, because I didn't want it to get too runny and thin. Lol
Added a little spinach too.
It's good!

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That looks delicious! I bet you could add some crispy pancetta or diced ham or chicken too!

Johnny West

Well-known member
I made a mess of the ribs with Whole Foods KC BBQ Sauce and Matt’s home made mustard sauce. Today is Heather’s birthday and Nancy got her a cake and a cake for me. Matt got me two tarts from the bakery by his shop. The two owners have celiac’s disease so they have a nice selection of vegan products.
