What is Your Weather?

We've been on a good run with nice weather lately.
Lots of sunshine and warm.

82 was the high today.
53 for tonight.
It was a scorcher; ( to me anyway ). It got to 78º here. No humidity, but still, enough for me to Grrrrrrrrr! .....
Tomorrow... 67º. That is more like it. I guess this week, will be good to service and maintenance on the A/C Systems.
Yay! Snowing out and 32º. Still more leaves to rake too.
That gives us an appetite. Time for a hot cocoa before bed.
I was think about Saliha's garden this morning . . . normally we get a killing frost mid to late October. none yet, nearly Thanksgiving....

wonder if last night's hail will do in the petunias?


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I was think about Saliha's garden this morning . . . normally we get a killing frost mid to late October. none yet, nearly Thanksgiving....

wonder if last night's hail will do in the petunias?
Looks like my yard. Plus I just remembered, ..... the gutters need to be cleaned out now!
In my garden snow came at the end of October but it melted again at this week. Raining and some snowing, +6 C.

Growing season is officially ended here, still some parsley and peppermints alive.
All I know, is it surely is windy ~ today. Love the cold, and the snow, but do not like the wind. That is while loading the car, and unloading groceries from shopping at ShopRite.
I think the wind makes everyone miserable. Here anyway!
we're not having any weather - it all got blown away . . .

putting the groceries in the trunk, wind gusted, bonked me on the head real good with the trunk lid. I guess if I was a better Snowflake I'd sue the supermarket for arranging the parking lot spaces such that the wind can bonk me.....they should know it could happen!
we're not having any weather - it all got blown away . . .

putting the groceries in the trunk, wind gusted, bonked me on the head real good with the trunk lid. I guess if I was a better Snowflake I'd sue the supermarket for arranging the parking lot spaces such that the wind can bonk me.....they should know it could happen!
I see what you said there.
I was think about Saliha's garden this morning . . . normally we get a killing frost mid to late October. none yet, nearly Thanksgiving....

wonder if last night's hail will do in the petunias?

Your back yard looks just like what my folks' looked like back in Iowa. They would get deer and a lot of red squirrels. All I have here is gray squirrels and birds.

Last night it rained all night - now it's just dreary and typical NW weather.
John, I heard on the news this morning that the PNW is due to get 2-4 feet of snow over this weekend.

Is that still the case?

Lovely out! 24º and the winds stopped.
I was outside all day; covering pallets of wood pellets with plastic tarps. I hope it stays cold like this. I / we believe it kills the germs.
Woke up to our first white stuff on the grass this A.M.

Temp. is in the twenties, but will fall deep into the teens before night.......

They are predicting temps in the fifties for Saturday......
Woke up to 12 degrees out side .....now it's down to 10. heading to single digits before the day is out. No white stuff. Brrrrrrrr
It's been frosty here with temps down below freezing.

Today we got a new filtration system for our furnace and new thermostat that is set up with Weather Underground, with apps for iPhone, and computer. Crazy....
Had a little snow. 2 inches.... 29 degrees and sleeting.
Mommy Tina had to get up to the church to give out the gifts from the giving tree!
I told her, lots of luck. A lot of People won't drive on icy roads.
-15 C right now and the next night might be colder. The cold wind makes weather feels like -30 C already.

At the north has been -40 C today.

No ice tea to me.