What is Your Weather?

I went up Des Moines to pick up Amelia and on the way home, in Federal Way, there was torrential rain and wind, the worst I've seen in years. According to KOMO weather Seattle's had the most rain in history this year. The rain is heading to the Cascade passes and a big snow dump is in progress.The skiers will be happy.
It's finally warming up here :clap:. My hydrangea that I got last year already has about 4" of green growth on it. I've never done it before, but I'm going to try to dry some of the cuttings and use them in a flower arrangement.
Another beautiful day. Spring has sprung. The trees are leafing out and blooming. My roses are leafing and soon will be blooming. (All 60 of them) The birds are singing and gathering nesting material. It's going to be in the mid 80's today.
Now we have snow here - and a lot:

Only narrow paths to walk:

No way to use the garden gate before the spring:

The front yard:
Does Santtu like the snow?

Not really. She waits until we, as her´s humans make a path for her to go out. But there are interesting mice under the snow - one more reason for us to make more paths to her.

I get a lot of exercise after the snow fall.

Not really. She waits until we, as her´s humans make a path for her to go out. But there are interesting mice under the snow - one more reason for us to make more paths to her.

I get a lot of exercise after the snow fall.


When my Gretchen was younger, she loved to make tunnels in the snow.
She's getting too old to do much of anything anymore. :in_love:

My weather is going to be pleasant for the next week.
Almost 50F today, 60s tomorrow.
All in all we've had a pretty mild winter here in Ohio.
The Weather Boys tell us that the today high temperature down here in Lower Alabama will be a coolish 62, but it we will have lots and lots of sunshine. Highs then will be in the high 60's for a couple more days, then into the low to middle 70's for next week. Most days will have sunshine too.
Sounds good to me.
54º here now! Dark at 8:00 but it was light at 645.
The time change is helping Tina feel better. She hates darkness.
It's pretty chilly out this early AM... 26ºF ....
I guess we will have to put off the spring and chores that go with it for a while.
Wish we had some snow to go with the cold! ...
Woke up to the sound of thunder and heavy rain.

61 for a high today and 40 tonight.

A wind advisory as well until 8 this evening.
Cloudy... cold and 43 predicted for a high today.
24 tonight with an inch of snow on the way.

What? Snow and cold this time of the year! (Or any time for that matter.) It’s almost mid-April and down here in Lower Alabama the day time highs are a very nice mid 70’s. Been lots of SUNSHINE for the past several days.
The white sand beaches are left mostly to us folks that live here year around. Spring breakers are gone and almost all the Snowbirds have gone back to Michigan or Wisconsin or other points in the Midwest. The good ole Southern Rednecks want start to arrive until late May are early June, after schools are out, but then there will be thousands of them. Make for a fun place to live. Good weather and lots of good folks from the locals, the people, like me, that have found this area and moved here, to most of the thousands of tourist we get each year.
They are calling for a 2" accumulation - temps in the twenties tonite - Jack Frost just won't quit, after a summery Feb. and a spring-like March, we are winter again..........:goodnight_smi: