What is Your Weather?

It is 75F outside. When we left the house earlier it was 80F INSIDE and a bit cloudy outside so everyone said put A/C on. I now have the
A/C on 70 and I am freezing. It was nice in Woodcliff Lake and the farm was not crowded. Wait another month or so and you won't be able to get near it on the weekend. They park people in the fields.
It is so nice out now. 70º and the high today was just 74º.

It's raining where DD lives in Port Murray....and so it will be here in 4 or 5 minutes.

Today was a great day to grill :weber:

Tomorrow a little warmer....maybe 79º..??? We'll see!!
Upper 60's here tonight, with a soft, gentle rain coming down. Wonderful sleeping weather! I could certainly take a lot more of this type of thing - maybe straight through into October or early November or even until the first snow arrives. But on second thought - no snow on the streets when it's time to take Fallon to the hospital for the baby. Nice weather would be greatly appreciated that day as I know I'll be a basket case driving her there....................

Ian :huh:
got whammed w/ a sorta-sideways storm, earlier. humidity is calming as it chooses. the storms arrive & then fade as of late, usually pretty quickly.

miss the snow. can't wait to make my 1st snow angel this winter~ autumn is not my friend. winter is.:biggrin:
Upper 60's here tonight, with a soft, gentle rain coming down. Wonderful sleeping weather! I could certainly take a lot more of this type of thing - maybe straight through into October or early November or even until the first snow arrives. But on second thought - no snow on the streets when it's time to take Fallon to the hospital for the baby. Nice weather would be greatly appreciated that day as I know I'll be a basket case driving her there....................

Ian :huh:

Where is your location Ian?... Last year we had a Halloween Snow storm here in NWNJ.
Didn't mind the snow and cold...but no power for 5 days was a P I T A .
I had a little genset to power the heat and the reefers, but it was a pain re-fueling at 2 am in the cold.

It was February when DD decided to come and say Hi Dad and Mom.
It was sleeting that night, and 3 am Tina said Hon Wake up...I need to go have the baby.
Here I am warming the car and scraping ice off the window to see...and she's like..honey...the baby can't wait.:twak: I drove with my head out the window. In about 1 mile the wipers and window was clear.
Whew! Got her there in time, and the little "S" didn't arrive till 7:30 AM.:clap:
We just had a tornado warning...with all the honk honk honk beep beep beep on the weather channel, but thank God...it didn't strike here.
Pouring rain though. Love it!! Still sticky though!
got whammed w/ a sorta-sideways storm, earlier. humidity is calming as it chooses. the storms arrive & then fade as of late, usually pretty quickly.

miss the snow. can't wait to make my 1st snow angel this winter~ autumn is not my friend. winter is.:biggrin:
Yeah! Snow is def angel makin time luvs.

I like fall with the leaves and halloween and stuff, but they won't allow burning the leaves. I loved burning leaves as a kid. Low slow fire, and if we let it get high, mom would stop us and she would take over.

I like making snow men better though. Love sledding in the late night when the sky is like red glowing, and snots dripping off my nose. Who the heck has tissues when sledding?? Huh! Haaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

Then come in, and put the boots and gloves on the radiators, and have tomato soup and grilled cheese sammiches....or just toast and butter. Yummm!!!
Where is your location Ian?... Last year we had a Halloween Snow storm here in NWNJ.
Didn't mind the snow and cold...but no power for 5 days was a P I T A .
I had a little genset to power the heat and the reefers, but it was a pain re-fueling at 2 am in the cold.

It was February when DD decided to come and say Hi Dad and Mom.
It was sleeting that night, and 3 am Tina said Hon Wake up...I need to go have the baby.
Here I am warming the car and scraping ice off the window to see...and she's like..honey...the baby can't wait.:twak: I drove with my head out the window. In about 1 mile the wipers and window was clear.
Whew! Got her there in time, and the little "S" didn't arrive till 7:30

Upstate New Hampshire. Keeping in mind that this is New England and the weather can give you three seasons all in the space of 12 hours! I recall one year when I still lived in Massachusetts that it actually snowed on the 5th of May. Not much, just a flurry but certainly unexpected. Oh well, I suppose Kieran will arrive whenever he feels it's time.

This morning it was still raining and pleasant but as the morning progressed it got humid and downright hot! Temp-wise, not too hot but with the humidity it was uncomfortable. I, too, just love autumn - especially all the flaming, beautiful colors and the snap in the air. But I love the snow, too. Bobsledding is our thing but probably won't get to do much this coming winter, what with the new baby and all. I used to love cider donuts and hot chocolate coming in out of the cold. But the tomato soup and grilled cheese sounds pretty good, too.

Ian :wave:
Upstate New Hampshire. Keeping in mind that this is New England and the weather can give you three seasons all in the space of 12 hours! I recall one year when I still lived in Massachusetts that it actually snowed on the 5th of May. Not much, just a flurry but certainly unexpected. Oh well, I suppose Kieran will arrive whenever he feels it's time.

This morning it was still raining and pleasant but as the morning progressed it got humid and downright hot! Temp-wise, not too hot but with the humidity it was uncomfortable. I, too, just love autumn - especially all the flaming, beautiful colors and the snap in the air. But I love the snow, too. Bobsledding is our thing but probably won't get to do much this coming winter, what with the new baby and all. I used to love cider donuts and hot chocolate coming in out of the cold. But the tomato soup and grilled cheese sounds pretty good, too.

Ian :wave:

Oh All Right!.. New Hampshire!....a great place!

Not much Upstate, but spent some time in and around Effingham off (25) there. on weekends when DD at 17yo, was in Lakeview Rehab up there for a Brain Virus and siezures for three months!

The highest upstate was a visit to Conway Area. Nice! I could do that for sure!

And YES! .... "My Car Climbed Mount Washington!"... brrrrrrr!! Loved it! ... DD has the lookout webcam on her computer & constantly checking it out!... She's a snow and cold lover just like her Dad and Mom!

She will be trecking up to Stowe VT. as soon as the snow hits.
She Loves it up there too!

We had some great rain, but it all moved out now. Just clouds and breezy. 74º but 80% humidity. W C said it was supposed to hit 82...no way at 3:30 .
jimmy! gasp!:hotdog:he-he. 'j/k:kabob:
btw, when we were kiddos & my Mom would stay from work for us on days too snowy to leave 'da driveways, there was usually grilled cheese/tomato soup. then my Dad would make stew fer dinners.
Yeah!.... and tomato soup and stew is always better to eat while lookin out the kitchen window at the snow falling.

If it started snowing at 1:00AM in the morning...we were out there asap to start shoveling and sweeping. There were no plastic snow shovels back then either.
It was a heavy steel coal shovel. Huge...we kids could hardly lift it full of snow.
The people on the hills would throw ashes at the bottom so we kids could slow down and stop with our sleds.
Ah, yes. Stowe, VT. - have you ever visited the von Trapp family lodge up there - what a gorgeous place! Expensive to stay there but it's worth the money, from what I've seen. And North Conway is where we're living right now - beautiful in the autumn, especially up the Kancamagus Highway. Just watch out for the moose! Lots of tourists don't seem to get the fact that as big as a moose is, it can move like greased lightening if it takes a mind to - and the state police are forever chasing people off the roads when they get out of their cars to shoot photos of moose on the other side of the streams. They just don't realize that a moose can get across that little stream and be all over them before they can get out of the way to safety. I can't right off remember how many miles long that highway is but I believe it's over 100 miles through the mountains and is so gorgeous. Any time of the year. Last winter it was closed down for a time due to weather conditions and we really missed touring up into the foothills and seeing the scenery. I've never climbed up Mt. Washington - Fallon is somewhat afraid of the idea of no guard rails along the road up and gets pretty nervous at the thought. But one of these days, if I ever get in shape to do it, I'd love to try the run up on foot - have friends who've done it and say it's quite an experience. I imagine I'd need lots of that good stew to keep my internal engine running for the climb up the mountain!

Ian :smile:
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Ah, yes. Stowe, VT. - have you ever visited the von Trapp family lodge up there - what a gorgeous place! Expensive to stay there but it's worth the money, from what I've seen. And North Conway is where we're living right now - beautiful in the autumn, especially up the Kancamagus Highway. Just watch out for the moose! Lots of tourists don't seem to get the fact that as big as a moose is, it can move like greased lightening if it takes a mind to - and the state police are forever chasing people off the roads when they get out of their cars to shoot photos of moose on the other side of the streams. They just don't realize that a moose can get across that little stream and be all over them before they can get out of the way to safety. I can't right off remember how many miles long that highway is but I believe it's over 100 miles through the mountains and is so gorgeous. Any time of the year. Last winter it was closed down for a time due to weather conditions and we really missed touring up into the foothills and seeing the scenery. I've never climbed up Mt. Washington - Fallon is somewhat afraid of the idea of no guard rails along the road up and gets pretty nervous at the thought. But one of these days, if I ever get in shape to do it, I'd love to try the run up on foot - have friends who've done it and say it's quite an experience. I imagine I'd need lots of that good stew to keep my internal engine running for the climb up the mountain!

Ian :smile:

Yeah! It's all so really neat.
DD has everything moose. The dishes / cups / toys / knick knacks...and blankets and pillows. Haaaaaaa!

We did go see the Van Trapp place. DW wanted to stay there until we looked at the prices.

Facinating for sure!
Nice and cool!
Hasn't gotten above 70 degrees all day.
It's going to dip down into the 40s tonight, tomorrow and Monday.
AC off, windows open!
Yesterdays rain storm...








grey. chilly enough that i'm wrapped in 1 of my feather comforters. sweater weather. Lord, i dread this season. plz arrive soon, winter; i beg of thee~ i ache & i'm griping incessantly. @ least we've football when 'da weather is sludge.
Yeah!.... and tomato soup and stew is always better to eat while lookin out the kitchen window at the snow falling.

If it started snowing at 1:00AM in the morning...we were out there asap to start shoveling and sweeping. There were no plastic snow shovels back then either.
It was a heavy steel coal shovel. Huge...we kids could hardly lift it full of snow.
The people on the hills would throw ashes at the bottom so we kids could slow down and stop with our sleds.

i hear 'ya- we'd sweep where we could, then shovelling ensued. i wasn't exempt once i made it to the 5th/6th grade. we used the type yinz used. those plasti-shovels cracked or couldn't get beneath much snow. i 'member when it'd drizzle post-snow, & we'd crunch through the coat of ice that would form over the snow. sledding. here, the snow's gone in a day 'er 2, whereas, 30-45 minutes away, it stays. & stays.:heart:
Pics of the sky from one of two storms that came through here on Friday afternoon.
This one was around 2pm.. the other was at night between 10 and midnight.



This was the remnant of PG's storm front when it got to NE Ohio from NW Ohio. Taken with my iPhone.


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Oh oh!...in the 40's tonight; and ya know what that does??

It tells the leaves to start to fall off.

Years ago it would be time to straighten out the tines on the metal rakes with pliars.
Today...we just gas up the blowers and let it rip.
Supposed to go back up to 80 on Friday. A mere bag of shells. That we could deal with.
Finally getting some pretty good rain. Bad part is a helluva storm blew through the other night, and now I've got about a 15 ft limb down in the back. Me and a chain saw....that will be a show to behold :ermm: