Whilst ye strolled...did thou holdeth thy hands folded behind thy back???...just right!
i took a stroll to the bar near-dusk & it was just pretty enough to not have to take a hoodie or cardigan. earlier, it was that weather that is gentle & ahhhh! & sandals can be worn.
Whilst ye strolled...did thou holdeth thy hands folded behind thy back???...
O M G .... I could seeith thee swaying to and fro, as strolling.
Yer so funny luvs. Thou maketh me laugh!
Ha Ha Ha Ha ..yeah! One step forward and two steps backwards and a few steps sidewayze in between. Been There / Done That!! hahahaha ...hehe, jimmy- u keep me laughing, too.
the swaying to-&-fro would be on the stroll home after a few too many.![]()
That's good Sass...Much cooler than it was yesterday at this time.
It started storming early this morning.. lasted for almost 3 hours.
Yay!... it went from 85 d o w n ...to 68º right now. the temp dropped in one hour.
It's raining out nicely, with some lightening strikes. The kittys are hiding. They are scared of thunder.
L00King at 81 tomorrow. I doubt that. It will more than likely hit 77.Yup, 'twas a fast and furious storm with that nice cold front sweeping in!
It's nice and coolish right now..70 with low humidity.
Tomorrow it's barely going to reach 70.. and the low will be in the 40s.
That I like!
My weenie dog hates storms, but so do I.
She woke me up early this morning at the first clap of thunder and the lightning show.
Since there was no dinner thread started, I'll tell ya.. I ate vegetarian today...and will be doing so more often simply because I like to, and miss it (used to be strictly veg/vegan).
Baby spinach, grape tomatoes, sliced carrot, onion and Henri's sweet and tangy dressing.
Had two mini butter croissants with it.
That was my dinner, very refreshing and delicious.
Iced tea was my beverage.
Baseball sized hail- Dallas got pummeled! Luckily, my area didn't have hail, just some rain