What is Your Weather?

Today I rode my bike in a Portland tradition: The Worst Day of the Year ride. Statistically, the second weekend of February is pretty crummy weather wise. However, today it was in the mid-40's and the sun was shining the last half of the ride. Anyway, an 18 mile ride is a great excuse for craft beer and chili at the finish!
24º and calm. Did have a few squalls..but fine powder and only grassy cover.

only 18 to 20 tonight..and so no big event in the works.
Well, this morning the leaves of my weather-predicting Rhododendron are curled up like cigars, which means it's above 20 but below 30 at the moment. But the sun is up, & I think we're supposed to have a "heat wave" somewhere in the mid-40's today.
Windy out... calling for high winds..rain tomrrow ( sat. ) with 40 to 50 mph winds.
hope the trees don't fall on the power lines.

The power company is supposed to trim trees over the lines. HELLOooooooo.
Where are they???...

The wires are so old and undersized...and they have never been upgraded since the 60's. It's whipping up winds already out there.

So mad there is no snow in the forcast. Oh Well..
we got 'em, too, jimmy- tho they've calmed since earlier. we're s'possed to get snow this weekend..... we'll see 'bout that.
we got 'em, too, jimmy- tho they've calmed since earlier. we're s'possed to get snow this weekend..... we'll see 'bout that.
Holy Jeepers....I hope so on the snow..ya know?

The kitties love to sleepy sleepy when it's windy out.

I love to watch the swaying branches and the waving slamming in the wind storm.
babbit jumps on my lap over & over & paws @ me. you know we actually got fairy dust for snow tonite, yay! better than nothing. the salt/gravel guys sped thru; forewent salting tho. they're prepped!
DISGUSTING!!! Yesterday it was 73, Spring Peepers were cheeping, Woodcocks were buzzing - lovely.

This morning? 30 degrees with snow flurries & 30-40 mph winds. UGH!!!!!!!
It's 38º now, and blustery with 40 mph gusts, and the best part is snow squalls from lake effect snow...but sorrowfully...not sticking.
just went to the store, very chilly! the cashier was in a hoodie. those winds whirling again. snow's pretty much dissipated thru the day.
Looks like it's gonna be a long night. Tornadoes and thunderstorms are starting to pop up everywhere. We're under a tornado watch all night long. Good thing I took a nap earlier.
Stay Secure..and go to the basement if you've got one.

We had a rare occurance here in 1984 or 85 I think it was...
We had a tornadic activity..and the Insurance company fought on the classifiction of the storm. The guy came out...and said it was just a bad storm.
Uhh! I showed him where there was a big maple Tree..and showed him older pictures of the table under the tree whilst we were having supper out there. I mean the tree was at least 35 feet high...with a girth of around 23"inches around the main trunk..
So I said to the guy..."If there was NO Tornado" then "Where is the Tree?"

There was no sign of the tree nowhere in the neigborhood.

A giant Oak cracked and landed and destroyed our pool...and we couldn't believe that the two Garbage Cans....20 feet from the tree that got sucked away, were not even tipped over.
Very Strange.

The guy next door... became a ( Nickname For Richard ) ....
He said previously... the tree is his tree on the property line, and asked me to take down the backboard the kids played basketball with.

OK...I did...
When the storm came..That tree fell on his shed and crushed it to smitherines.

He came running out when I got home from work..and said,"Your Tree Came down on MY Shed!" I was like ??? What?? All of a sudden it became MY Tree???

He was out there at night..adding bicycles and a lawmower, and tools to the pile that her smashed with a hammer to Get my insurance company to buy him new stuff.

Well it has it...that there is no law that claims whomever tyree it was that did damage. The Ins. company gave me 500.00 to pay for the tree removal only.

I did the work myself..and got a brand new chain saw out of the deal..
The kicker was..and I laughed right in his face...when My insurance adjuster was standing there, and he said to the guy,"You Have to Use Your Own Homeowners Insurance to pay for YOUR Damages! Period!

I loved it!.... Smack Slap..Right Back in His Face.
Funny how "what goes around, comes around" works...serves him right :lol:

We don't have a basement. Sometimes I wish we did. We've been Blessed for a lot of years that we've not had a tornado touchdown within 10 miles of us....knock on wood. We've had some pretty good sized hail in the past though.
Funny how "what goes around, comes around" works...serves him right :lol:

We don't have a basement. Sometimes I wish we did. We've been Blessed for a lot of years that we've not had a tornado touchdown within 10 miles of us....knock on wood. We've had some pretty good sized hail in the past though.
I could have been a ( Nickname for Richard ) and took pics of him smashing the lawn mower, and bikes with the hammer, and gave that to his insurance company. That would have gone over like a lead balloon. L O L
Here it is Saturday..03 march..
No rain as predicted...usually wrong on the forcasts..

48º out at 1136... calm...cloudy / bright..

Can't do any yard work..its too soupy and soft on the ground.

Supposed to help the neighbor install a clutch kit in his kids VW.
I don't think the parts came yet. ? ?

It's funny...the weather channel for our area is listing help tips about insulating water pipes... and shutting off and draining outdoor spigots. Ha Ha Ha
I would think they are a little off timing??
Oh! there's a good one.." Always have a blanket and a shovel in your car in case you are stranded in a snow bank! hahahahahaha..
Where are the snow banks??? Send them here!! LOL
the low was 41°F in the high was 81°F sunny with not a cloud in the sky. Light to moderate wind. All in all a beautiful day here in sunnyeggo
I'm definetely putting the snow blower away....

I just saw the forcast for Thursday.. Mostly Sunny, and 65º....

Today = 40º and cloudy / bright and breezy!

19º Monday night..so I better carry up another few bags of wood pellets!