What is Your Weather?

Now it is nice and cold!,..... Shut the water supply to the two outdoor hose bibbs so they will not freeze. It's a nice 24ºF out, and the smell of wood fires is so nice in the crisp air.

I could tell this weather is gonna stay, and even though I am nursing a severe migraine from a sinus infection, it is better that it stays cold. my belief is it kills the germs. .. L O L ..

I have to wait for the bedroom to cool down before I get to sleep. DW pushed the t-stat up to 72º in the bedroom because she had the chills. I can't sleep unless it is below 66º so I could breath without choking from dry mouth / nose.

My headache is so bad...that my upper teeth ache. Grrrrrrrrr!

I wish it would snow; but they said Rain on Thursday. and back up to 50 in the day. Yuck!..

Oh! Well!... Gotta take what ma nature gives us!
It rained all day yesterday, a real soaker. Today it's partially cloudy with strong winds blowing. Not as bad as the last time though. People are still recovering from that one. It blew windows out and big trees came down on houses and cars. One home was literally cut in half by a big tree.
40 & beautiful. it's sunshine & brightness this afternoon, though 'waitin on that snow!

leni, woah. that california weather won't give in!
Warm today... Hit 40º... breezy though!

I transfered a ton of wood pellets to the back storage area. I feel it in me bones already... hahahaha
At 12:45 AM...it is 48ºF out. that is warm.
Only good thing...is the fuel use has been less to keep the house warm. So far we have been lucky.

Today was forcasted to rain at 70% chance. We had not One drop of rain. I guess the 30% chance it would not rain , won!
Burrrrrrrr its cold 68*F at 12:27am my time...

it was warm enough earlier that i had to turn the ac on because it was stuffy in here... yah its december, i am wearing shorts and a tshirt turning on my AC..lol
After several weeks of nights in the low 20's & high teens, I was shocked when I was out throwing some night hay to the horses last night in 62-degree temps!!! Good grief - I was out there in a tee-shirt where last week I was bundled up to the hilt. Whacko weather.

Today it's barely 50.
35- went to get the mail & the weather was pleasant. i should take a stroll somewhere nearby after dinner's cooked
T-shirt and Jeans- Feeling warm 61 Degree's

35º and cloudy, damp, and snow flurries. Now and then the sun tries to peek...but the clouds win.
Helped Neighbor Change a tie rod on a Intrepid.....Brrrrr! it was cold on the fingers, but fun after all went well.
58 & lite rain. yeah, sure. we just got slammed w/ a thunderstorm a few seconds ago. already pretty much over. it'll be sunscreen weather & then snowing in like 15 minutes, knowing this city. gonna find tig so he isn't scared. babbit's snoozing through it
it's 49º out here at 4:00 pm ...
Cloudy and dark all day. Rain slight with slight fog.

Kitty Nut Nut is under hiding under some bed???:D

Gee Gee is in her favorite usually sunny window..and sleeping.
I guess she's pretending the sun is shining.
Clear skies today. It's in the 60's and is supposed to get warmer as the continues. By Christmas it's forcast to be in the mid 70's. Not exactly Christmas weather but if I want snow I'll just go to the mountains.
when i woke, it seemed chilly so i ran to get into a warm section of my place & jumped into a bath. when i went shopping awhile after, it was drizzling & i was definately near shivering. when i went to the bar one block away, i needed layers, leather & my wellies. i wore one of my pairs of gloves! at the bar, i was so cozy- & i was sober so it wasn't alcohol keeping me cozy- it was laughing & people~
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there's snow! a maybe-dusting earlier from the main living rm.'s windows.

forward to now, 6:30 in the mornin. to one side, from my stairs, it's covered in noteworthy albeit skimpy snow. ventured onto my own st., the main 1- nothing. maybe jack frost'll show if i snooze! either hail 'er snow's hitting these windows & we got some really gusty, whistly wind earlier on.
L U C K E E E E Luvs!!

36º out at 1:11 pm today Monday 01/02/2012.. I wrote the date so I could practice with 2012 and not making a mistake and putting 2011.

Winnnndy and heck out.

DD just threw out some food in the back yard feeding pit, and the turkey buzzards are flying overhead. They are so graceful in flight; but are clutzes in landing. hahaha

I have to do a snow dance or sumpthin ??
It sure is. This is the kind of weather that brings in all of the back East folks. We get a couple thousand new Californians every year thanks to the New Years parade.