Vacuum Food Sealers; Chamber or External. Which one do you Prefer?


Well-known member
Do you know which one is which? External machines are of the classic ones that vacuum seal the bags of food from the outside of the machine by sucking the air out & pulling the bag tightly around the food so as to lock out damaging air & spoilage in time. Chamber type machines have an inside compartment where you'd place the bags of food to be vacuum sealed. A sealing lid is lowered to close the compartment & the air is sucked out of the bag from inside the machine. Larger bags of food can still be vacuum sealed from the outside of the machine.

I've never owned one of these, but now, I am seriously considering one. They used to by priced ridiculously high, but as of late, the price has come down on some of them. It seems as though to me, that these types of machines might be the better ones to get. External machines seem to act up & lose their sealing qualities at times. :whistling: :unsure:
Avid Aermor..jpg

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I'm thinking maybe to get THIS one! It's cheaper than some of the chamber ones that I've seen. Only about $279!! :whistling:
Wevac Chamber Vacuum Sealer..jpg
I'm thinking maybe to get THIS one! It's cheaper than some of the chamber ones that I've seen. Only about $279!! :whistling:
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I've ordered the one pictured above. Mainly because I've just learned that THESE machines work much better & are far more superior in quality & value. Say that you go back to another external unit such as a cheap Food Savor machine for like $60 or so. In six months, it breaks down. You go out & buy another one of these or something similar & pay the same amount. It breaks down again. In six months! Now you're out of $120!! If you keep on doing that, you'll probably have paid almost a fortune just buying cheap vacuum seal machines that break down every 6 months!!

With a chamber vacuum Sealing machine, most or just about all of your worries of something going wrong are over! About the only thing that they lack is a bag cutter. But that may be just a small inconvenience, considering the great value that you'll get out of it!! They are made far better than the cheap external seal units! And the price went down to $237!! A great savings over the regular price of $279!! If i need to cut any bags at all, I'll use THIS!! Hah!! :whistling:
Paper Cutter..jpg
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The biggest advantage of a chamber vac is the ability to vaccum pack liquids. If you are just packaging dry items, there isn't a real difference.
You can also marinate meat, as for BBQ'ing & other methods of cooking. The chamber compartment draws the air out before the bag is closed, then the air in the bag is pulled out & the bag is then sealed. You with hear a sudden rush of air entering the machine, indicating that it is now safe to open the cover. :whistling:
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Even just the liquid itself can be sealed in the bag & none of it will leak out once it's sealed in the bag. In other words, even water can be seal in the bags & nothing will leak once the bag is sealed!! The good thing about this & other chamber units is that you don't ever
have to encounter liquid being sucked up into the motor or other mechanism!! :whistling:
I have vacuum canisters for my Foodsaver vac. I have a hose that connects to the dish or canisters to suck out the air for liquid marinating. Chicken breasts or whatever. Paid $60 during prime days I believe. My last foodsaver lasted almost 20 years. :whistling:

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I have that same set from Amazon!! I also have this vacuum marinater!! :whistling:
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Found out that there IS a vacuum seal roll keeper & cutter as an accessory for the machine that I ordered. I may get it. :whistling:
The chamber vacuum seal machine has arrived. Took it out of the box & examined it to make sure that everything is there, which it appears to be. I also cheacked for any damage & there is none. I'll test it this week to see how it works. It does not have a see-through lid, which most of them do, but I don't care, as long as it works as it should!! It look good, guys!! :whistling:
Wevac Chamber Vacuum Sealer..jpg
Just tested the machine. Works great!! Vacuum sealed some frozen veggies. It sealed them very tightly! Only thing is there's no off button. I had to unplug it to turn it off. Looked for one, but there is none. Don't want to leave it on all night. Other than that, it does exactly what I expect it to do & it meets or exceeds all of my expectations!! Goodbye, external use machines! I'm very happy with this unit!! If you're tired of those external units & are afraid of accidentally having liquid get sucked into them & damaging them, then look no more. Get a chamber-type machine! You'll be so glad that you did!! :whistling:
Yesterday, I vacuum sealed some Veggie Beef soup that I just made the other day. Put the bags inside the chamber, programmed the machine to vacuum seal them closed. After the machine did its job, I checked to make sure the seals were tightly closed & they WERE!! No air got inside the bags & they were tightly sealed to the point that no air was in the bags at all! Proof that the chamber units are the best way to go!!! No external sealer works better! So glad that I got this, mainly so that no liquid escapes the bags!! They are in the freezer now for long-term storage. :whistling:
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This machine is one of the lowest that you can buy, but it's far better than those external-use-only units!!

The unit DOES shut off, in time, when you no longer are vacuum sealing anything The manual says to wait at least 20 seconds after it is used to avoid any problems with the heater bar. :whistling:
I once bought this piece of garbage some years ago. At the time, i thought that it would help solve the problem of not having a food vacuum sealer for foods stored in the freezer. Boy!! What a living nightmare THIS thing was!! First, after several uses, the thing stopped working right. It took AA batteries to work, & I thought that the batteries were the problem. I kept having to go to the convenience store in my neighborhood for batteries because it had me thinking that the batteries were wearing out. Come to find out that it had a design flaw!! The plastic piston had crapped out. I ended up spending more money on the damn batteries than I did for the thing itself!! I was so heated & threw the thing in the trash with AUTHORITY!! Bought another one. Wouldn't work!! Tossed that one out also! Then I found out that because of the design flaw, they were all pulled from the store shelves. A massive recall was done on them, & that was the end of them!! Never looked back that way again!! I was never so glad to see those things go!! No wonder it was so cheap! You get what you pay for!! :whistling:
Reynolds hand-held Vacuum Sealer..jpg
Here's a soda can that I pretended was some food, just to see how powerful the machine is in crushing a can in a vacuum seal bag!! Guess that it's a pretty powerful machine!!!! Hah!! :whistling:
Here are some helpful tips toward successful vacuum seal packaging for the freezer. Of course, the machine shown is a high-commercial one, probably costing thousands of $$$$, so info may vary from unit to unit. :whistling:

I just vacuum sealed some dried beans, & the bags that I put them in are hard as a rock!!! That must take some awesome power to vacuum seal them like that!! It's so amazing!! :whistling:
I've noticed that FoodSaver is back on TV, advertising their machines. Too late for me. I will never ever buy another one of them again!!! Ever wonder why they don't make chamber vacuum seal machines?!! Hmmmmm!!! :bolt:
My foodsaver is working flawlessly, I’m happy to report 🙂
I’m happy I didn’t waste money on something I don’t ever need or want, like a chamber thing. I guess I’m smart that way :whistling:
My foodsaver is working flawlessly, I’m happy to report 🙂
I’m happy I didn’t waste money on something I don’t ever need or want, like a chamber thing. I guess I’m smart that way :whistling:
I found out that the chamber units work far better than those FoodSaver machines. That they have much better suction action & can vacuum seal food that has liquid in them. FoodSaver & other units like them can't vacuum seal liquids because they are not made to vacuum seal anything with liquids. Any attempt to do so could bust out the motor & other mechanism in the machines. Ironman, try that with your FoodSaver. I'm willing to bet that you'll probably ruin your machine. :whistling:
I talked to a friend of mine who seems really sold on FoodSaver machines. I talked to him on the importance of being able to keep damaging air from invading the vacuum seal bags, not only that, but to be able to save dough on the bags themselves!! And be able to vacuum seal liquids into the bags, which FoodSaver & other machines like it can't do. He said that he'll think about it. I don't expect him to just throw away the machine right now!! But I want to get him to see the true benefits of owning a chamber vacuum seal machine, along with the many wonderful things that it can bring him if he decides to switch over to one. :whistling:
I made this pot roast (pictured below) & some rice to eat with it the other day. I had a plate of it for lunch today. Now, because I don't want to be eating it all week, I put the rest of it in the vacuum seal bags & vacuum sealed it & the rice!! It is now in the freezer, where it will stay until the next time that I get a taste for pot roast!! Who wants to get tired of eating the same thing all week until it's gone?!!!! Or letting it sit in the pots in the fridge until it spoils?!!! That's wasteful!! Also, taking up, wasting up & monopolizing precious top space in the fridge!! You save a ton of money on the bags because they practically come a dime a dozen!!! No more wasted space in the bags either, as with the FoodSaver brand of bags!! You can say goodbye to spoiled food forever!!! :whistling:
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With a chamber food vacuum machine, you don't ever have to. Unless you want to!! Hah!!!
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I used my trusty pull-string chopper to chop up some green peppers that my brother gave me & vacuum sealed them for the freezer. This is so that they won't sit in the fridge & end upp spoiling!! Hah!!! Going to do that with the celery & onions as well. I love this little thing!! Great for small little pesky chopping jobs!!!! :whistling:
t-fal pull-string chopper..jpg
I used my trusty pull-string chopper to chop up some green peppers that my brother gave me & vacuum sealed them for the freezer. This is so that they won't sit in the fridge & end upp spoiling!! Hah!!! Going to do that with the celery & onions as well. I love this little thing!! Great for small little pesky chopping jobs!!!! :whistling:
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Is that the new Fisher-Price model? Just kiddin @Shermie :yankchain: