Good day thread

Good day for everyone!

Me back. Do you still remember Saliha from Finland? Sorry for a long absence - life has been so full of happenings last times. Work and so on. I´m trying to improve my presence in here if possible.

I missed you all. :flowers:
Hello Saliha!
Good day for everyone!

Me back. Do you still remember Saliha from Finland? Sorry for a long absence - life has been so full of happenings last times. Work and so on. I´m trying to improve my presence in here if possible.

I missed you all. :flowers:
Welcome back.
Good morning everyone. Hopefully no rain or snow today.

Good Morning all - In the 40's this AM @ 5:30. Morgan is displeased as she did not get her walk due to rain. She pouted a while and then decided she would sleep by the heater.
Yup it started snowing around 8am. Wasn’t supposed to start till 6pm. It’s light not really sticking. It’s supposed to snow all the way through till 7pm tomorrow. Hopefully it will be like this for awhile and not start to accumulate till overnight.
Walked Morgan at 5:30 AM and nothing. Started snowing later. It's pretty much gone now.
Yup! This afternoon / evening is supposed to be a doozey. I am thankful that I got the busted shear pin on the snow blower fixed.
Good morning everyone. Nasty outside. There's about 6" already, and it's still snowing. Supposed to snow till 7pm tonight. My street hasn't been plowed even once yet.

I feel bad for you Peeps! 😬😩
I heard from my friend yesterday afternoon who lives out on Rhode Island.
She said full blown blizzard, have not heard from her since.

You take care. Ugh!
Morning Peeps.
I don't think I'm working today, definitely will be tomorrow and Saturday.
I've agreed to allow one, possibly two friends to crash at my place if the need arises.
Not exactly John.
As of right now, it's a cold rain.
The radar is showing snow, but it's not here yet.
So far Pam staying with me is a for sure.

I’ve been messaging one of my huntnbuds in Parker, CO and he is headed out to snow-blow his driveway. He’s able to work from home on snow days. I’m glad it’s not me.
Good morning everyone. It’s 40F now and raining. Will change to ice and snow soon. Going down to the teens tonight so everything will be a sheet of ice.
Be careful Peeps.
I'm surprised our streets and roads are in good condition.
I'm even more surprised that restaurants were open lol