Good day thread

Well, I got about 3 hours sleep. I was going to make the rest of my cookies today. But I don't know when or if that will happen.
Three batches of cookies down. Two more to go. Then I’m done baking. DD will ice/decorate the gingerbread in a couple days. Then the only need to make the peppermint bark.
Good day everyone. Nothing special to do today. There will be lots to do in the next 2 weeks. Best relax while I can. I may make the peppermint bark today.

Good day everyone.
I’m so stressed at the moment. I’m sitting outside the doctor office. Waiting for my DD. Please send good thoughts.
Doctor said go right to Emercency room. I dropped her off. Only patient allowed to go in. I’m parked a couple blocks away. I need to calm down before I drive.
I’m a wreck. Doctor said her BP and pulse are very high.
Please send prayers.
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Good day everyone. It is definitely a good day for me. DD came home last night. Her BP and pulse were very high before the surgery, and the surgeon was concerned about that. So they keep her several additional hours after for observation and monitoring her vitals. She's in a lot of pain. He didn't give any pain meds or antibiotics. He said to take ibuprofen. She couldn't get comfortable at all last night. She tried her bed and the sofa. Hopefully she will feel a bit better today. She has an appointment on Wednesday for her PCP to look at the wound and remove the packing. She'll need to get additional surgery to remove the sack at some point, so this won't recur. I didn't get much sleep last night either because I was helping her. I didn't expect her to be home last night. Last time she was in the hospital for 2 days. But it was such a relief to have her home. Now we will definitely have a merry Christmas and a happy new year. Hopefully I can get a nap at some point today. Thank you all for all the kind thoughts and words.

I am in a bit of pain. In the rush to get to the hospital to pick DD up, I took a fall. My back, knee, arm and hand are sore this morning.

Good news about your daughter, Peep - sounds as if she's on her way to recovery!

Make sure you take care of yourself!

Good grief, Peeps!
I'm happy your daughter is home.
Didn't she have the same type of thing years back with a cyst removal?
You take care of YOU as well.
You're always extremely busy at Christmas.
Take it easy.
Just made a first run at peppermint bark. That's the last item for the gift trays/boxes. DD may not decorate the ginger bread cookies. That's ok, they will still taste good plain.
Took DD to her doctor to check her wound, and it is badly infected. The ER surgeon was an idiot! He didn't get the entire cyst and didn't give DD an antibiotic for the infection. The doctor cleaned the wound and removed a lot of the infection. He gave her a script for antibiotic and packed the wound again. He wants to see her on Monday and said she needs more surgery to remove everything else. I'm really upset about this.
Took DD to her doctor to check her wound, and it is badly infected. The ER surgeon was an idiot! He didn't get the entire cyst and didn't give DD an antibiotic for the infection. The doctor cleaned the wound and removed a lot of the infection. He gave her a script for antibiotic and packed the wound again. He wants to see her on Monday and said she needs more surgery to remove everything else. I'm really upset about this.
I don’t blame you. Keep us posted!
What sort of surgeon does a procedure like that, then doesn't prescribe an antibiotic?
An idiot!! I wasn't allowed to go in the hospital with her (or to wait/pick her up), and she was in pain and didn't think to ask. She had to wait outside till I got there to pick her up. Not sure when she'll be back to work. Her DM was very nice and understanding. She has sick, vacation and personal time so that's covered.
Peep, I'm so sorry to hear this! Especially that your daughter has to go back for another procedure!

Hoping she, and you, will feel comfortable soon!

Good day everyone. I'm thinking about what I need to do for the 2 holiday meals. I'm 3 days behind
. AND I need to go back to the store because I forgot a few things. PLUS I need day time cold medicine because as usual I have gotten my yearly holiday gift. Without fail, I am sick for the holidays/end of year EVERY year.