Queen of Cornbread
......what's your favorite way to eat it? Do you just like your gravy poured over your biscuits? Would you rather dip your biscuit in your gravy? Do you like to pour your gravy over your breakfast and eat the biscuit on the side with jam? Maybe mix some scrambled or fried eggs in your gravy?
Me, my favorite way to eat biscuits and gravy is like I had it this morning. Crispy hashbrowns on the bottom, crumbled biscuit comes next and then sausage gravy. The whole thing topped with an over medium fried egg (the white completely done but the yolk is still runny)....and plenty of fresh cracked black pepper!
Me, my favorite way to eat biscuits and gravy is like I had it this morning. Crispy hashbrowns on the bottom, crumbled biscuit comes next and then sausage gravy. The whole thing topped with an over medium fried egg (the white completely done but the yolk is still runny)....and plenty of fresh cracked black pepper!