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Johnny West

Well-known member

Johnny West

Well-known member

In the cave mines there are tenfold less bacteria in the air than in the most sterile room in a hospital, so it also helps people with skin problems. Again, 300 meter deep, but the temperature here stays pretty much the same the whole year round – around 22 Celsius.
For decades, hospitals have sent patients suffering from asthma, hay fever type allergies and various bronchial blockages to spend time in the dark and humid galleries of the mine, where the salt-permeated air is believed to have decongestant and curative qualities.


Grill Master
Gold Site Supporter
- one spoonful of honey is enough nourishment to keep a person alive for 24 hours
- one of the first coins in the world featured a bee symbol
- honey contains live enzymes. The metal spoon kills these enzymes. The best way to consume honey is with a wooden spoon, if not, you can use a plastic one.
- honey contains a substance that helps the brain function.
- honey is one of the few foods on earth that alone can sustain human life.
- bees saved people from starvation in Africa.
- propolis produced by bees is one of nature's most powerful antibiotics.
- honey has no expiration date.
- the bodies of the world's greatest emperors were buried in golden coffins and then covered with honey to prevent them from rotting.
- the term "honeymoon" comes from the fact that the young couple consumed honey for fertility purposes after marriage.
- a bee lives less than 40 days, visits at least 1,000 flowers and produces less than a teaspoon of honey, but for her it is the work of a lifetime

Johnny West

Well-known member

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It’s not uncommon for large retail stores to use high-tech video surveillance and forensics to catch shoplifters, but Minnesota-based Target Corp. takes the concept one step further, lending its high-end technology and professionals to law enforcement agencies free of charge, often on high-profile cases.
Target Vice President of Assets Protection Brad Brekke said the company’s relationship with police departments is just one part of a broader policy on charitable giving.


Grill Master
Gold Site Supporter
The massive mola mola, also known as a sunfish, holds the title of the world's largest bony fish! The heaviest recorded mola mola tipped the scales at an incredible 5,070 lbs (2,300 kg).
These ocean giants can produce up to 300 million eggs at once—more than any other vertebrate—and they spawn multiple times throughout their lives.



Grill Master
Gold Site Supporter
Kansai International Airport, a major hub in Japan serving Osaka, Kobe, and Kyoto, is celebrating 30 years of operation with an incredible achievement: not a single piece of luggage has been lost since it opened in September 1994.

Johnny West

Well-known member
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Norman Borlaug developed high-yielding, disease-resistant wheat varieties that revolutionized agriculture.
His work is credited with saving over a billion people from starvation. Born in Iowa, he used his knowledge of forestry and plant pathology to improve crop yields in Mexico, India, and Pakistan. His efforts averted widespread famine in the 1960s and 1970s. Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1970, Borlaug's legacy continues to inspire.
