Did you know?
The September full moon is known as the Harvest Moon.
In 1752 Britain moved from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian and, consequently, 3 September became 14 September. Many people believed that their lives would be shortened and took to the streets to demand their 11 days back.
The Field Record Book
Common chub (Squalius cephalus)
Biggest caught in UK: 10lb 13oz, River Wye, November 1981, caught by P Morgan
Biggest caught worldwide by rod and reel: 13lb 12oz, River Danube, Hungary, 1987, caught by József Pul
Advice for Young Fielders
"The most commonly used hawks in UK falconry are peregrine and gyr falcons. These tend to be flown over wide terrain where they use their magnificent stooping speed to take birds on the wing - grouse over pointing dogs, for example, which I would thoroughly recommend if you get the chance."