Where is everybody?

Sick. I have had the cold for two weeks. This (bleeeeeeping) thing ebbs and flows but never goes away. Now to top it all off Mrs. Lefty has a flu bug. Hope you all avoid what is going around.
OMG, I was hit with the real bug and I have never felt so bad. I must admit it was a 24 hour bug, but it kept me busy for the full 24 hours, and not in a good way.

STAY away from anyone coughing, sneezing into their hands, anyone that sounds sick. Use sanitizer as much as you can. There is a wicked bad bug going around, be careful.
Sitting right here, listening to the wind and freezing rain, and waiting for the snow to arrive this evening..:yuk:
very cold here. We had some rain over the weekend. Now with the clouds of cleared out. There's nothing the holder heat in and it's colder than a will you know what. Got up just before five this morning looked outside to see Frost on the roofs of my neighbors. Burrrrr I hate the cold!!!
Yay after a week of being offline the internet is back... (along with cable for the first time in years) due to a little misunderstanding there was a week lag between the old and new service. In my off week I made bread for the first times 3 times with mixed results. Today the local urban farm opened for the season and weather was in the 60s great to feel warm sun finally.
I know I've been kind of distant lately. I'm STILL working two jobs, 80 hrs/week. I THOUGHT I was going to be turning in my notice at one of them sometime in Feb. However, PeppA is full-bore open-throttle trying to get a place so we can get out of this rent house. It doesn't look like I'm going to be able to do without the extra income for awhile yet. Hopefully sometime this month, most likely in April.

I've also recently been "promoted" at one of the fishing forums I am a member of. The owner set up a recipe sub-forum, so I can help the members cook their game and fish. After a week, he made me a Mod for that sub-forum.

On top of that, well, the weather is warming up. So if the water temp in the local rivers and lakes. I've already been out fishing a few times, and have managed to catch a few fish :)
The spring home project bug has bitten me. I've just about convinced myself that I can re-do my half bath. All I need to do is strip wallpaper, paint, and change out a light fixture. Sounds easy enough :dizzy:, but I'm still a little chicken.
Ah, what the heck. You can always hire someone to fix the mess if it doesn't work out. The light fixture is the only iffy thing.
It never hurts to try. One caution though. You have to be sure that all of the wallpaper glue is off the wall before you paint it. Otherwise your nice paint job can slide down that wall.
It never hurts to try. One caution though. You have to be sure that all of the wallpaper glue is off the wall before you paint it. Otherwise your nice paint job can slide down that wall.

Thanks for the tip! That would sure be the pits to watch my paint slide down that wall :glare: .
been swamped at work, and bouncing between D.C. and Philly accounts. . .my body is beginning to protest.

Got a new account though, the United States Institute of Peace! BEAUTIFUL space, I will post pics when I can!
thanks sass and karen. i'll post pics when we get back.

i'll try to take food pics, but dw gets embarrassed when i do that in restaurants.

LOL! I hear you, BT!

My friends are getting so used to me doing that now that if I FORGET my camera, they're kinda pissed! LOL!

Have a fantastic vacation! You sure do earn your time off!

Have been in full blown crisis mode at work today. I work for a Japanese OEM, so you can imagine what most of the meetings and announcements have centered on. :(