Cabin Fever.
"Common Sense" would seem to say that on-line socializing would be of help.
But I believe the way the brain actually works, on line socializing actually makes it worse, leading to further isolation from real people.
Not to say people here aren't real ... (wrote that, thought I should soften it, it is what it is)
As an example I've taken pictures for well over a quarter century. Had a basic digital for 10 years, got a dSLR 3 or 4 years ago. THe digitals were purchased for and used mostly for eBay, but I've also used the cameras to try and share graphics with people on-line.
I'm now in a "camera class" and for the first time in a long time, a very long time, I'm once again enjoying taking pictures because I'm sitting in a room sharing pictures with other people.
I've been a member of several on line photo challenge groups and its just not the same.
That, and I'm carrying 20 hours at the local U. Which reminds me, I have 3 chapters of math to learn before Tuesday, a (simple) program to write before Monday night, a new section of logic to become familiar with and do homework for before Tuesday at noon, 4 over ripe bananas begging to be made into nut bread, and a pork loin needing dissection.
I shouldn't be on-line at all.